Anders Johansson

Senior Lecturer at Engineering Education Research

Anders Johansson’s research concerns education in science and technology with a focus on diversity and inclusion. Central questions concern the social norms and identities affecting who chooses science and technology, as well as what it means to become a scientist or engineer. How are these professions and educations viewed in society, and what role does this play in university education?

His teaching is primarily in the courses in pedagogy offered to teachers at Chalmers, with a particular focus on pedagocical development, diversity and inclusion.

Image of Anders Johansson

Showing 18 publications


How do students negotiate groupwork? The influence of group norm exercises and group development norms

Oskar Hagvall Svensson, Anders Johansson, Tom Adawi
Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 113 (3), p. 533-554
Journal article

Young Peoples’ Online Science Practices as a Gateway to Higher Education STEM

Anna Danielsson, Anders Johansson, Anne Sofie Nyström et al
Research in Science Education. Vol. 53 (4), p. 759-770
Journal article

De oväntade naturvetarna: Vad kan vi lära av studenters olika vägar in i universitetsfysik?

Anders Johansson, Anna T. Danielsson, Anne-Sofie Nyström et al
Other conference contribution

Performing legitimate choice narratives in physics: possibilities for under-represented physics students

Anders Johansson, Anne-Sofie Nystrom, Allison J. Gonsalves et al
Cultural Studies of Science Education. Vol. 18, p. 1255-1283
Journal article

Så kan regeringens satsning stärka Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar

Johanna Lönngren, Maria Berge, Oskar Hagvall Svensson et al
Magazine article

Seeking the simultaneously socially committed, successful, and employable engineering student

Johanna Larsson, Anders Johansson
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2022-October
Paper in proceeding

Possibilities in physics: Students’ retrospective narratives about safe spaces, beautiful boundaries, and emancipation

Anne-Sofie Nyström, Allison J. Gonsalves, Anna Danielsson et al
Other conference contribution

Identity Perspectives in Research on University Physics Education: What Is the Problem Represented to Be?

Anders Johansson, Johanna Larsson
Contributions from Science Education Research. Vol. 12, p. 163-184
Book chapter

Other spaces for young pople's identity work in physics: resources accessed through informal physics education in Sweden

Allison J. Gonsalves, Anna Danielsson, Anders Johansson et al
Other conference contribution

Following or defying expectations – the choice narratives of “unexpected” physics students

Anders Johansson, Anne-Sofie Nyström, Allison J. Gonsalves et al
Other conference contribution

Young peoples’ online science practices as a gateway to higher education STEM

Anna Danielsson, Anders Johansson, Anne-Sofie Nyström et al
Other conference contribution

Authenticity work in higher education learning environments: a double-edged sword?

Oskar Hagvall Svensson, Tom Adawi, Anders Johansson
Higher Education. Vol. 84 (1), p. 67-84
Journal article

Other spaces for young women's identity work in physics: Resources accessed through university-adjacent informal physics learning contexts in Sweden

Allison J. Gonsalves, Anders Johansson, Anne-Sofie Nystroem et al
Physical Review Physics Education Research. Vol. 18 (2)
Journal article

Unsolvable gender problems – Postfeminist discourses in the talk of future physics teachers

Anders Johansson, Johanna Larsson
Other conference contribution

The exceptional physics girl – grown up

Anna Danielsson, Anne-Sofie Nyström, Allison Gonsalves et al
Other conference contribution

Lecture jokes: Mocking and reproducing celebrated subject positions in physics

Anders Johansson, Maria Berge
Physics education and gender: Identity as an analytic lens for research, p. 97-113
Book chapter

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Showing 1 research projects


The unlikely scientists: Exploring what has enabled students from under-represented groups to continue to higher education science studies

Anders Johansson Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
Swedish Research Council (VR)

9 publications exist
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