Anders Lennartsson

Showing 54 publications


Solvent effects on the absorption profile, kinetic stability, and photoisomerization process of the norbornadiene-quadricyclanes system

Maria Quant, Alice Hamrin, Anders Lennartsson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 123 (12), p. 7081-7087
Journal article

Macroscopic heat release in a molecular solar thermal energy storage system

Zhihang Wang, Anna Roffey, Raul Losantos et al
Energy and Environmental Sciences. Vol. 12 (1), p. 187-193
Journal article

Tuning the photochemical properties of the fulvalene-tetracarbonyl-diruthenium system

Anders Lennartsson, Angelica Lundin, Karl Börjesson et al
Dalton Transactions. Vol. 45 (21), p. 8740-8744
Journal article

Low Molecular Weight Norbornadiene Derivatives for Molecular Solar-Thermal Energy Storage

Maria Quant, Anders Lennartsson, Ambra Dreos et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 22 (37), p. 13265-13274
Journal article

Reversible Guest Binding in a Non-Porous FeII Coordination Polymer Host Toggles Spin Crossover

Anders Lennartsson, P. Southon, N. F. Sciortino et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 21 (45), p. 16066-16072
Journal article

Molekyl lagring af solenergi eller kunsten at lagre lidt forårs-sol til vinteren

Anders Lennartsson, Victor Gray, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Dansk Kemi. Vol. 2015 (8), p. 22-25
Magazine article

A Convenient Route to 2-Bromo-3-chloronorbornadiene and 2,3-Dibromonorbornadiene

Anders Lennartsson, Maria Quant, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Synlett. Vol. 26 (11), p. 1501-1504
Journal article

Designing photoswitches for molecular solar thermal energy storage

Anders Lennartsson, Anna Roffey, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Tetrahedron Letters. Vol. 56 (2015), p. 1457-1465
Review article

Absolute asymmetric synthesis of five-coordinate complexes

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
New Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 39 (8), p. 5936-5943
Journal article

Toxic thallium

Anders Lennartsson
Nature Chemistry. Vol. 7 (7), p. 610-610
Other text in scientific journal

Molekylär lagring av solenergi eller konsten att spara lite vårsol till vintern

Anders Lennartsson, Victor Gray, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Kemivärlden. Vol. 2015 (3), p. 19-20
Magazine article

Absolute Asymmetric Synthesis: Protected Substrate Oxidation

Susanne Olsson, Per Martin Björemark, Theonitsa Kokoli et al
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 21 (13), p. 5211-5219
Journal article

Spontaneous Generation of Chirality in Simple Diaryl Ethers.

Anders Lennartsson, Anna Hedström, Mikael Håkansson
Chirality. Vol. 27 (7), p. 425-9
Journal article

A missing link between chiral four- and five-coordinate complexes

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
New Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 39 (5), p. 3353-3356
Journal article

Photon up-conversion and molecular solar thermal energy storage: New materials and devices

Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartsson, Victor Gray et al
2014 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2014, p. 445-446
Paper in proceeding

Diaryl-substituted norbornadienes with red-shifted absorption for molecular solar thermal energy storage

Victor Gray, Anders Lennartsson, P. Ratanalert et al
Chemical Communications. Vol. 50 (40), p. 5330-5332
Journal article

Fluorinated fulvalene ruthenium compound for molecular solar thermal applications

Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. Vol. 161, p. 24-28
Journal article

The colours of chromium

Anders Lennartsson
Nature Chemistry. Vol. 6 (10), p. 942-942
Other text in scientific journal

Zinc of unsuspected worth

Anders Lennartsson
Nature Chemistry. Vol. 6 (2), p. 166-166
Other text in scientific journal

Made by molybdenum

Anders Lennartsson
Nature Chemistry. Vol. 6 (8), p. 746-746
Magazine article

Spontaneous resolution versus formation of racemic crystals of indenylpotassium complexes

Susanne Olsson, Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. Vol. 741-742 (1), p. 131-135
Journal article

Absolute Asymmetric Synthesis of Enantiopure Organozinc Reagents, Followed by Highly Enantioselective Chlorination

Susanne Olsson, Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 19 (37), p. 12415-12423
Journal article

Efficiency Limit of Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Collecting Devices

Karl Börjesson, Anders Lennartsson, Kasper Moth-Poulsen
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 1 (6), p. 585-590
Journal article

Bridging nitrile groups in a metal-organic framework

Anders Lennartsson, C. J. McKenzie
Journal of Coordination Chemistry. Vol. 65 (23), p. 4194-4202
Journal article

Spontaneous resolution of a bis(eta(1)-methylcyclopentadienyl)zinc complex

Susanne Olsson, Anders Lennartsson
Inorganica Chimica Acta. Vol. 377 (1), p. 181-184
Journal article

Assembly of ethylzincate compounds into supramolecular structures

Anna Hedström, Anders Lennartsson
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. Vol. 696 (10), p. 2269-2273
Journal article

Concomitant polymorphism: Crystallising dichloro-bis(2,4-lutidine)-zinc as both chiral and racemic phases

Anders Lennartsson, Susanne Olsson, Jonas Sundberg et al
Inorganica Chimica Acta. Vol. 363 (1), p. 257-262
Journal article

Towards Total Spontaneous Resolution of sec-Butylzinc Complexes

Anders Lennartsson, Anna Hedström, Mikael Håkansson
Organometallics. Vol. 29 (1), p. 177-183
Journal article

Spontaneous Resolution and Carbonation of Chiral Benzyllithium Complexes

Anders Lennartsson, Jonas Sundberg, Tove Wiklund et al
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (19), p. 3029-3039
Journal article

Hydrogen-bonded network structures in dipyridinium, bis(2-methylpyridinium), bis(3-methylpyridinium) and bis(4-methylpyridinium) dioxidobis(oxydiacetato)uranate(VI)

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 66 (3), p. m69-m74
Journal article

Total spontaneous resolution of five-coordinate complexes.

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 48 (32), p. 5869-71
Journal article

Synthesis and Total Spontaneous Resolution of an Octanuclear Organo(oxo)zinc Complex

Anna Pettersen, Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Organometallics. Vol. 28, p. 3567-
Journal article

Spontaneous Resolution of Diphenyl-dipyridyl-zinc(II)

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica. Vol. C65, p. m205-
Journal article

Dipyridinium dichromate: an achiral compound forming chiral crystals.

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 65 (Pt 5), p. m182-4
Journal article

Total Spontaneous Resolution of Nine-Coordinate Complexes

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Crystal Engineering Communications. Vol. 11, p. 1979-
Journal article

Absolute Asymmetric Synthesis

Anders Lennartsson
Doctoral thesis

catena-Poly[[bis(acetylacetonato-kappa2O,O')cobalt(II)]-mu-1,3-di-4-pyridylpropane-kappa2N:N']: a one-dimensional coordination polymer capable of forming clathrates with prochiral aldehydes.

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 65 (Pt 8), p. m325-7
Journal article

A different approach to enantioselective organic synthesis: absolute asymmetric synthesis of organometallic reagents.

Anders Lennartsson, Susanne Olsson, Jonas Sundberg et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 48 (17), p. 3137-40
Journal article

Degradation of silicone grease by Grignard reagents: bis(mu-dimethylphenylsilanolato-kappa O-2 : O) bis[bromido(diethylether)magnesium(II)]

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 64, p. M8-M9
Journal article

Investigation of commercial sodium cacodylate trihydrate: penta-mu-aqua-disodium(I) bis(dimethylarsenate) and di-mu-aqua-bis[triaquasodium(I)] bis(dimethylarsenate)

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 64, p. M13-M16
Journal article

The catalytic oxidation of phenol in aqueous media using cobalt (II) complexes derived from N-(aryl) salicylaldimines

Juanita L. van Wyk, Selwyn Mapolie, Anders Lennartsson et al
Inorganica Chimica Acta. Vol. 361, p. 2094-2100
Journal article

Slow atmospheric oxidation of diphenylzinc: di-mu-phenoxido-bis[(diethy lether)phenylzinc(II)]

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. Vol. 64, p. M10-M12
Journal article

cis- and trans-bis(benzoylacetonato)pyridinecopper(II): co-crystallisation of isomers and reversible pyridine loss with retention of crystallinity

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson, Susan Jagner
New Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 31 (3), p. 344-347
Journal article

Diisopropyl(N,N,N ',N '-tetramethylethylenediamine)zinc(II), the first crystal structure of a diisopropylzinc complex

Anders Lennartsson, A Hedström, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. Vol. 63, p. M123-M125
Journal article

Concomitant formation of chiral and racemic crystals of a diaryl sulfide

Anders Lennartsson, Tove Wiklund, Mikael Håkansson
CrystEngComm. Vol. 9 (10), p. 856-859
Journal article

Facile Synthesis of Well-Defined Sodium Hydridoalkylzincates(II)

Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson, Susan Elisabeth Jagner
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. Vol. 46 (35), p. 6678-6680
Journal article

The Synthesis of Copper(II) Salicylaldiminato Complexes and their Catalytic Activity in the Hydroxylation of Phenol

Juanita L. van Wyk, Selwyn Mapolie, Anders Lennartsson et al
Z. Naturforsch.. Vol. 62b, p. 331-338
Journal article

In search of conformationally chiral square-planar complexes: dichloridobis(2-methoxypyridine)copper(II)

Anders Lennartsson, Tove Wiklund, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica. Vol. C63, p. m550-
Journal article

(3-acetylpyridine-kappa N)chlorobis(triphenylphosphine-kappa P) copper(I): a suitable candidate for absolute asymmetric synthesis?

Anders Lennartsson, Kent Salo, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. Vol. 62, p. M1569-M1571
Journal article

[4-(2-Aminoethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazadecane]lithium chloride: a bilayered structure displaying the rare TRENEN ligand

S Olsson, Anders Lennartsson, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. Vol. 62, p. M3518-M3520
Journal article

N,N '-diphenylethylenediamine, an N-H center dot center dot center dot pi- and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi-bonded network

Anders Lennartsson, Theonitsa Kokoli, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online. Vol. 61, p. O1245-O1247
Journal article

Resolution of seven-coordinate complexes.

Anders Lennartsson, Marcus Vestergren, Mikael Håkansson
Chemistry - A European Journal. Vol. 11 (6), p. 1757-62
Journal article


Anders Lennartsson, Kent Salo, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online. Vol. 61, p. M1261-M1263
Journal article

N,N '-Dimethyl-N,N '-diphenylethylenediamine

Anders Lennartsson, Theonitsa Kokoli, Mikael Håkansson
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online. Vol. 61, p. O2904-O2906
Journal article

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