Anna Yström

Showing 60 publications


Prospective Sensemaking in the Front End of Innovation of AI Projects

Elinor Saerner, Anna Yström, Nicolette Lakemond et al
Research Technology Management. Vol. 67 (4), p. 72-83
Journal article

Political behavior in collaborative innovation spaces: outlining triggers, behaviors and shaping mechanisms

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
R and D Management. Vol. 54 (2), p. 261-282
Journal article

Action research for innovation management: three benefits, three challenges, and three spaces

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
R and D Management. Vol. 50 (3), p. 396-411
Journal article

Collaborating for energy efficiency in Swedish shipping industry: interrelating practice and challenges

Josefin Borg, Anna Yström
Environment, Development and Sustainability. Vol. 22 (5), p. 4289-4310
Journal article

Open laboratories as “in-between spaces”

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Innovating in the Open Lab: The new potential for interactive value creation across organizational boundaries , p. 203-212
Book chapter

The Role of a Learning Approach in Building an Interorganizational Network Aiming for Collaborative Innovation.

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila, Marine Agogue et al
The Journal of applied behavioral science. Vol. 55 (1), p. 27-49
Journal article

Collaboration for Sustainable Development: Interrelating Practice and Challenges

Josefin Borg, Anna Yström
Book of abstracts ISPIM March 2018
Paper in proceeding

Creativity and science parks: more than just a physical platform?

Stefano Cirella, Anna Yström
CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation. Vol. 2 (1), p. 8-13
Journal article

An investigation into the roles of open innovation collaboration managers

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
R and D Management. Vol. 47 (2), p. 236-252
Journal article

Explicating the role of innovation intermediaries in the “unknown”: a contingency approach.

Marine Agogué, Elsa Berthet, Tobias Fredberg et al
Journal of Strategy and Management. Vol. 10 (1), p. 19-39
Journal article

Managing transition arenas in becoming: micro accounts of collaborative governance

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila
International Sustainability Transitions conference, Gothenburg, June 18-21
Paper in proceeding

Experimenting with innovation processes: the case of reinventing a museum through collaboration

Marine Agogué, Anna Yström
CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation. Vol. 1 (2), p. 9-15
Journal article

Developing A Learning Method In An Open Innovation Project Through Action Research.

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila, Marine Agogué et al
Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, Aug 4-8
Paper in proceeding

Open for innovation? Practices supporting collaboration in Swedish regional clusters

Anna Yström, Hedvig Aspenberg
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 21 (5)
Journal article

Anything goes? Conceptualizing different interaction strategies in open innovation

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
EURAM conference. Paris, May 31-June 4
Paper in proceeding

Exploring design principles of organizing for collaborative innovation: The case of an open innovation initiative

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Creativity and Innovation Management. Vol. 25 (3), p. 363-377
Journal article

Designing and Being Designed: Organizing Complex Collaborative Innovation in a Societal challenge

Marcel Bogers, Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016, Anaheim, Aug 5-9, p. 7-12
Paper in proceeding

“Caught in a strange loop”: A relational view on joint value capture in collaborative platforms

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
3rd World Open Innovation Conference, Barcelona, Dec 15-16
Paper in proceeding

Öppna innovationsarenor: organisering av gemensamt kunskapsskapande

Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Tell, F. & Lakemond, N. (eds.) Öppen innovation - i teori och praktik
Book chapter

Shifting to a value creating rationale in innovation intermediaries: A study of managerial challenges and implications

Anna Yström, Kamilla Kohn Rådberg
3rd World Open Innovation Conference, Barcelona, Dec 15-16
Paper in proceeding

Ledarskap i öppna innovationssamarbeten: Att skapa mening i en komplex miljö

Anna Yström
Tell, F. & Lakemond, N. (eds.) Öppen innovation - i teori och praktik
Book chapter

Let’s make money together: Exploring challenges in shifting towards exploiting business opportunities in collaborative platforms

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Open and User Innovation Conference. Boston, Aug 1-3.
Paper in proceeding

Beyond intermediation: The open innovation arena as an actor enabling joint knowledge creation

Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 72 (4), p. 273-295
Journal article

"Authoring” Open Innovation: The Managerial Practices of an Open Innovation Director

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Proceedings of Academy of Management, Vancouver, August 8-11
Paper in proceeding

'Authoring' Open Innovation: The Managerial Practices of an Open Innovation Director

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Research in Organizational Change and Development. Vol. 23, p. 253-291
Journal article

Exploring tensions in an open innovation project: the challenges of achieving collaborative advantage

Anna Yström
EURAM conference, Warsaw, June 17-20
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the creative climate in an open innovation arena: identifying challenges and possibilities

Anna Yström, Hedvig Aspenberg, Annika Kumlin
European Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 18 (1), p. 70-85
Journal article

Uncovering challenges in multi-actor collaborative business models through action research

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Proceedings of Academy of Management, Vancouver, August 8-11
Paper in proceeding

Designing for creativity in an open innovation arena

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila
14th EURAM conference, Valencia, June 4-7
Paper in proceeding

Developing design methodology to enable open innovation collaboration

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström, Marine Agogué
7th SIG Design Theory Workshop, Paris, 27-28 Jan
Other conference contribution

Is organizing in-between a matter of design? A case of long-term open innovation collaboration

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
14th EURAM conference, Valencia, June 4-7
Paper in proceeding

An investigation into managerial roles of open innovation collaboration managers

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
1st Annual World Open Innovation Conference, Napa, California, Dec 4-5
Paper in proceeding

Improving prerequisites for open innovation collaboration through action research: A study from the automotive industry

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström, Marine Agogué
2014 ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum, Montréal, Canada, Oct 5-8
Paper in proceeding

Collectively authoring inter­‐organizational collaboration: A case of long-­term open innovation collaboration

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
EGOS conference, Rotterdam, 3-5 July
Paper in proceeding

Ledarskap i öppna innovationsmiljöer - samarbete över organisationsgränser kräver perspektivskifte

Anna Yström
Management of Innovation and Technology (1), p. 8-9
Magazine article

Anything goes? Characterizing open innovation collaboration in empirical research

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Proceedings of the 6th ISPIM Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 8-11
Paper in proceeding

A contingency approach of open innovation intermediaries - the management principles of the "intermediary of the unknown"

Marine Agogué, Elsa Berthet, Tobias Fredberg et al
13th EURAM conference, Istanbul, June 26-29
Paper in proceeding

Picturing the role of management in an open innovation collaboration

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila
20th IPDM conference. Paris, June 23-25
Paper in proceeding

Shaping and re-shaping managerial practices: the tales of an open innovation arena director

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila
15th APROS conference. 15-17 February, Tokyo, Japan
Paper in proceeding

Stepping out of the zone of territorial protection enables open innovation collaboration

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström, Marine Agogué
20th IPDM conference. Paris, June 23-25
Paper in proceeding

Authoring the space "in-between": The tales of an open innovation arena director

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF), 21-23 aug. Reykjavik, Iceland
Paper in proceeding

Rethinking the role of intermediaries as an architect of collective exploration and creation of knowledge in open innovation

Marine Agogué, Anna Yström, Pascal Le Masson
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 17 (2)
Journal article

What´s creative about open innovation? A case study of the creative climate in an open innovation arena.

Anna Yström, Hedvig Aspenberg, Annika Kumlin
13th International CINet Conference, Rome, 16-18 Sept, 2012
Paper in proceeding

Managing for organizational creativity in an open innovation arena - creating a space for bounded instability

Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
EGOS conference Helsinki July 5-7, 2012.
Paper in proceeding

Enabling knowledge creation among competitors: the open innovation arena

Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila, Anna Yström
Nordic Academy of Management conference, Stockholm, 22-24 August
Paper in proceeding

Role Confusion in Open Innovation Intermediary Arenas

Tobias Fredberg, Maria Elmquist, Susanne Ollila et al
New Forms of Collaborative Innovation and Production on the Internet, eds. Wittke, V. & Hanekop, H.
Book chapter

Turning Open Innovation into Practice: Open Innovation Research through the Lens of Managers

Eleni Giannopoulou, Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 15 (3), p. 505-524
Journal article

Open Innovation - Anything Goes? A Review of Empirical Research on Open innovation

Alfred Eklöf, Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila
European Academy of Management Conference, Tallinn, 1-4 June 2011
Paper in proceeding

Radical open innovation: The new role of intermediaries. Findings from collaborative arenas in Sweden and France

Anna Yström, Marine Agogué
IPDM, Delft, The Netherlands, 5-7 June, 2011
Paper in proceeding

Design Thinking - Not! A study on the perception and use of industrial design in Swedish SMEs

Anna Yström, MariAnne Karlsson
Proceedings from the 17th International Product Development Conference, Murcia, June 13-15, 2010, p. 1-24
Paper in proceeding

Communities of Practice for Open Innovation - Enabling Organizational Creativity?

Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila, Tobias Fredberg et al
ICICKM - 7th International Conference on Intellectual Capital & Knowledge Management, 11-12 Nov, Hong Kong
Paper in proceeding

Implications of openness: A study of (all) the growing literature on open innovation

Eleni Giannopoulou, Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila et al
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation. Vol. 5 (3), p. 162-180
Journal article

Turning Open Innovation into Practice: Open Innovation Research through the Lens of Managers

Eleni Giannopoulou, Anna Yström, Susanne Ollila
3rd ISPIM Innovation Symposium, 12-15 Dec, Quebec, Kanada
Paper in proceeding

Using Personas to Guide Education Needs Analysis and Program Design

Anna Yström, Lena Peterson, Björn von Sydow et al
Proceedings of 6th International CDIO Conference, Montreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Functional description of driver activities

Stig Franzén, Anna Yström

Using Personas as a Mediating Tool in the Development of Engineering Programs

Anna Yström, Lena Peterson, Björn von Sydow et al
Proceedings 2:a Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
Other conference contribution

Resenärsinformation via talsvar. Utvärdering av dialogen i Västtrafiks talsvarstjänst.

Anna Yström, MariAnne Karlsson, Oskar Rexfelt

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Showing 9 research projects


Utveckling av en forskningsagenda inom öppen innovation med fokus på aktionsforskning

Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Organizing of the Maritime cluster in Western Sweden

Josefin Borg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Region Västra Götaland


Creative climates in science parks

Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy
IVA Hans Werthén foundation


Increased collaboration within and across industries – a part of Innovative Jämtland/Härjedalen

Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Regionförbundet Jämtlands län


ASTA – roles, rights n'duties

Susanne Ollila Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy
AstaZero AB


DEMO - Design meets open innovation

Susanne Ollila Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Managing and organising open innovation

Susanne Ollila Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Anna Yström Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Maria Elmquist Technology Management and Economics
Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy

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