Antonios Mylonakis
Showing 22 publications
Modeling noise experiments performed at AKR-2 and CROCUS zero-power reactors
Modelling and simulations of reactor neutron noise induced by mechanical vibrations
Sensitivity analysis in core diagnostics
Uncertainty analyses of neutron noise simulations in a Zero-Power reactor
Machine learning for analysis of real nuclear plant data in the frequency domain
Development and test of a novel neutronic verification scheme for Molten Salt Reactors
A finite volume method for the Fermi pencil-beam equation
CORE SIM+: A flexible diffusion-based solver for neutron noise simulations
Numerical solution of two-energy-group neutron noise diffusion problems with fine spatial meshes
Neutron noise-based anomaly classification and localization using machine learning
CORE SIM+ simulations of COLIBRI fuel rods oscillation experiments and comparison with measurements
Neutron noise modelling for nuclear reactor diagnostics
Two-level multigrid preconditioning of a neutron noise diffusion solver
Towards a deep unified framework for nuclear reactor perturbation analysis
A deep learning approach to anomaly detection in nuclear reactors
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