Arezoo Emadi

Showing 17 publications


Design and analysis of high-power InP-based heterostructure barrier varactor multipliers

Arezoo Emadi
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. Vol. 50 (4), p. 1017-1022
Journal article

A 0.2-W Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Tripler at 113 GHz

Josip Vukusic, Tomas Bryllert, Arezoo Emadi et al
IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 28 (5), p. 340-342
Journal article

Terahertz generation by multiplication

Jan Stake, Tomas Bryllert, Arezoo Emadi et al
Terahertz Frequency Detection and Identification of Materials and Objects, p. 17-30
Book chapter

Optimum barrier thickness study for the InGaAs/InAlAs/AlAs heterostructure barrier varactor diodes

Arezoo Emadi, Tomas Bryllert, Mahdad Sadeghi et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 90 (1), p. 012108-3
Journal article

A High-Power Frequency Tripler for 100 GHz

Tomas Bryllert, Josip Vukusic, Arezoo Emadi et al
The Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, p. 30-
Paper in proceeding

High efficiency W-band HBV Tripler and Device Reliability Studies

Jan Stake, Arezoo Emadi, Josip Vukusic et al
4th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications
Paper in proceeding

High Efficiency HBV Multipliers

Jan Stake, Tomas Bryllert, Arezoo Emadi et al
Proceedings of the 1st European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, p. 39-42
Paper in proceeding

HBV tripler with 21% efficiency at 102 GHz

Josip Vukusic, Byron Alderman, Arezoo Emadi et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 42 (6), p. 355-356
Journal article

Design of High Power Heterostructure Barrier Varactor based Multipliers for the W-band

Tomas Bryllert, Josip Vukusic, Arezoo Emadi et al
WOCSDICE 2006, p. 71-73
Magazine article

Optimum Barrier Thickness Study for the Heterostructure Barrier Varactror Diode

Arezoo Emadi, Tomas Bryllert, Josip Vukusic et al
WOCSDICE 2006, p. 55-57
Paper in proceeding

Design, Fabrication and characterisation of High Power HBV Diodes

Arezoo Emadi, Josip Vukusic, Mattias Ingvarson et al
16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology; Chalmers Conference Centre, May 2-4, 2005, Gothenburg, Sweden, (Eds. Jan Stake, Harald Merkel.), p. Session: P05-04
Paper in proceeding

An electro-thermal HBV model

Mattias Ingvarson, Josip Vukusic, Arne Olsen et al
IMS 2005, p. 1151-1153
Paper in proceeding

The design and realisation of a high-power HBV multiplier source for THz-applications

Jan Stake, Arezoo Emadi, Tomas Bryllert et al
WOCSDICE 2005, p. 169-170
Journal article

HBV Frequency Quintuplers

Arne Olsen, Tomas Bryllert, Josip Vukusic et al
16th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology
Paper in proceeding

11% efficiency 100 GHz InP-based heterostructure barrier varactor quintupler

Tomas Bryllert, Arne Olsen, Josip Vukusic et al
Electronics Letters. Vol. 41 (3), p. 131-132
Journal article

High power HBV multipliers for F- and G- band applications

Arezoo Emadi, Josip Vukusic, Mattias Ingvarson et al
IRMMW 2004/THz 2004 / M. Thumm, W. Wiesbeck, p. 319-320
Paper in proceeding

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