Alexander Stolin
Showing 79 publications
Topological Lie Bialgebras, Manin Triples and Their Classification Over g[[x]]
Topological Manin pairs and (n, s) -type series
Classification of Quantum Groups via Galois Cohomology
Belavin–Drinfeld solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation: Galois cohomology considerations
Lie bialgebras, fields of cohomological dimension at most 2 and Hilbert's Seventeenth Problem
Quantum Groups: From the Kulish–Reshetikhin Discovery to Classification
Classification of Quantum Groups and Belavin-Drinfeld Cohomologies
Quantum groups: from Kulish-Reshetikhin discovery to classification
Deformed Richardson-Gaudin model
Preface: Proceedings Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics Conference, AGMP 2011
Belavin-Drinfeld cohomologies and introduction to classification of quantum groups
Quantized Reduced Fusion Elements and Kostant’s Problem
Equivariant quantization of Poisson homogeneous spaces and Kostant's problem
3Quantum: Algebra, Geometry, Information
On quantum groups and Lie bialgebras related to sl(n)
Quantum deformed Richardson-Gaudin model
Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics 2010
Poisson Structures Compatible with the Cluster Algebra Structure in Grassmannians
Algebraic Bethe ansatz for deformed Gaudin model
Classification of Lie bialgebras over current algebras
Bethe ansatz for the deformed Gaudin model
Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics, Physics and Beyond, Preface
Classification of quasi-trigonometric solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation
Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic-Nordic Workshop AGMF
25 Years of Quantum Groups: from Definition to Classification
On Some Lie Bialgebra Structures on Polynomial Lie algebras and their Quantization
Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics, Physics, and Beyond
Lagrangian Subalgebras and Quasi-trigonometric r-matrices
Spherical principal series of quantum Harish-Chandra modules
Differential calculi on some quantum prehomogeneous vector spaces
Irreducible highest weight modules and equivariant quantization
Rational solutions of CYBE for simple compact real Lie algebras
A quantum analogue of the bernstein functor
Irreducible highest weight modules and equivariant quantization.
Classical quasi-trigonometric $r$-matrices of Cremmer-Gervais type and their quantization
Classical quasi-trigonometric r-matrices of Cremmer-Gervais type and their quantization
Dynamical Yang-Baxter equations, quasi-Poisson homogeneous spaces, and quantization
Construction of a universal twist element from an R-matrix
From dynamical to non-dynamical twists
Dynamical twists and quantization
Rational solutions of CYBE for simple compact real Lie algebras
Dynamical Yang-Baxter equation and quantization of certain Poisson brackets.
Classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equations and quasi-Poisson homogeneous spaces
Fine structure of class groups Cl^(p) Q(zeta_n) and the Kervaire-Murthy conjectures
Fine structure of class groups Cl^(p) Q(zeta_n) and the Kervaire-Murthy conjectures II
Classical dynamical r-matrices, Poisson homogeneous spaces, and Lagrangian subalgebras
Picard groups of integer group rings and units in cyclotomic fields
An approach to Hopf algebras via Frobenius coordinates II
Unit bases in integer group rings and the Kervaire-Murthy conjectures
Chains of Frobenius subalgebras of $so(M)$ and the corresponding twists
Q-power function over Q-commuting variables and deformed XXX, XXZ chains
Nakayama automorphisms of finite projective Hopf Algebras
Classical limit of the scaled elliptic algebra A(h,eta)((sl)over-cap(2))
Some remarks on Lie bialgebra structures on simple complex Lie Algebras
Deformation of Yangian Y(sl(2))
Generalized trigonometric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation
A nonintegrable sub-Riemannian geodesic flow on a Carnot group
On the picard group of the integer group ring of the cyclic p-group and of rings close to it
Deformed Yangians and integrable models
On antipodes and integrals in Hopf algebras over rings and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation
On Frobenius algebras and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation
On the Picard group of the integer group ring of the cyclic $P$-group and certain Galois groups
New rational solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and deformed Yangians
Rational solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation and quasi Frobenius Lie algebras
Orbits of the coadjoint representation and Yang-Baxter equation
Generalized Gauss decomposition of trigonometric R-matrices
A geometrical approach to rational solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation.1.
An explicit formula for the Picard group of the cyclic group of order p2
On rational solutions of Yang-Baxter equation for SI(N)
Constant solutions of Yang-Baxter equation for SI(2) and SI(3)
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