Alexander Stolin

Showing 79 publications


Topological Lie Bialgebras, Manin Triples and Their Classification Over g[[x]]

Raschid Abedin, Stepan Maximov, Alexander Stolin et al
Communications in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 405 (1)
Journal article

Topological Manin pairs and (n, s) -type series

Raschid Abedin, Stepan Maximov, Alexander Stolin
Letters in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 113 (3)
Journal article

Classification of Quantum Groups via Galois Cohomology

Eugene Karolinsky, Arturo Pianzola, Alexander Stolin
Communications in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 377 (2), p. 1099-1129
Journal article

Belavin–Drinfeld solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation: Galois cohomology considerations

Arturo Pianzola, Alexander Stolin
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 8 (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

Simple vector bundles on a nodal Weierstrass cubic and quasi-trigonometric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation

I. Burban, L. Galinat, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. Vol. 50 (45)
Journal article

Lie bialgebras, fields of cohomological dimension at most 2 and Hilbert's Seventeenth Problem

Seidon Alsaody, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Algebra. Vol. 476, p. 368-394
Journal article

Classification of quantum groups and Belavin-Drinfeld cohomologies for orthogonal and symplectic Lie algebras

B. Kadets, Eugene Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 57 (5), p. Art. no. 051707-
Journal article

Quantum Groups: From the Kulish–Reshetikhin Discovery to Classification

B. Kadets, E. Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 213 (5), p. 743-749
Journal article

Classification of Quantum Groups and Belavin-Drinfeld Cohomologies

B. Kadets, E. Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Communications in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 344 (1), p. 1-24
Journal article

Classification of quantum groups and Lie bialgebra structures on sl(n, F). Relations with Brauer group

Alexander Stolin, Iulia Pop
Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 293, p. 324-342
Journal article

Quantum groups: from Kulish-Reshetikhin discovery to classification

Boris Kadets, Eugene Karolinsky, Iulia Pop et al
Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI. Vol. 433 (23), p. 186-195
Journal article

Deformed Richardson-Gaudin model

Petr Kulish, Alexander Stolin, Henrik Johannesson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 532 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Preface: Proceedings Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics Conference, AGMP 2011

A Makhlouf, E Paal, S Silvestrov et al
Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics AGMP, Mulhouse, France, October 2011 123. (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics), p. VII-IX
Paper in proceeding

Belavin-Drinfeld cohomologies and introduction to classification of quantum groups

Alexander Stolin, Iulia Pop
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 563 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Quantized Reduced Fusion Elements and Kostant’s Problem

Alexander Stolin, Eugene Karolinsky, Vitaly Tarasov
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. Vol. 85, p. 27-36
Paper in proceeding

Equivariant quantization of Poisson homogeneous spaces and Kostant's problem

E. Karolinsky, Alexander Stolin, V. Tarasov
Journal of Algebra. Vol. 409, p. 362-381
Journal article

3Quantum: Algebra, Geometry, Information

Eugen Paal, P Kuusk, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 532, p. artikel nr 011001-
Paper in proceeding

On quantum groups and Lie bialgebras related to sl(n)

Alexander Stolin, Iulia Pop
Journal of Physics Conference Series. Vol. 532, p. artikel nr 012026-
Paper in proceeding

Quantum deformed Richardson-Gaudin model

Henrik Johannesson, Alexander Stolin, Petr Kulish
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2013 Stockholm, p. 789-793
Paper in proceeding

Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics 2010

Alexander Stolin, Viktor Abramov, Juergen Fuchs et al
Edited book

Poisson Structures Compatible with the Cluster Algebra Structure in Grassmannians

M. Gekhtman, M. Shapiro, Alexander Stolin et al
Letters in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 100 (2), p. 139-150
Journal article

Algebraic Bethe ansatz for deformed Gaudin model

NC Antonio, N Manojlovic, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 52 (10)
Journal article

Classification of Lie bialgebras over current algebras

F Montaner, Alexander Stolin, Efim Zelmanov
Selecta Mathematica, New Series. Vol. 16 (4), p. 935-962
Journal article

Bethe ansatz for the deformed Gaudin model

Petr Kulish, Nenad Manojlovic, Maxim Samsonov et al
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 59 (4), p. 326-331
Journal article

Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics, Physics and Beyond, Preface

V Abramov, E Paal, S Silvestrov et al
Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics, Physics and Beyond
Paper in proceeding

Classification of quasi-trigonometric solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin
Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 478, p. 155-162
Journal article

Proceedings of the 3rd Baltic-Nordic Workshop AGMF

Alexander Stolin, Viktor Abramov, Eugen Paal et al
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications. Vol. 2(2008) (3)
Paper in proceeding

25 Years of Quantum Groups: from Definition to Classification

Alexander Stolin
Acta Polytechnica. Vol. 48 (2), p. 25-28
Magazine article

On Some Lie Bialgebra Structures on Polynomial Lie algebras and their Quantization

Sergey Khoroshkin, Iulia Pop, Maxim Samsonov et al
Communications in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 282 (3), p. 625-662
Journal article

Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics, Physics, and Beyond

Viktor Abramov, Eugen Paal, Sergei Silvestrov et al
Edited book

Lagrangian Subalgebras and Quasi-trigonometric r-matrices

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin
Letters in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 85 (2-3), p. 249-262
Journal article

Spherical principal series of quantum Harish-Chandra modules

Olga Bershtein, Leonid Vaksman, Alexander Stolin
Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom.. Vol. 48 (2007) (7)
Journal article

Differential calculi on some quantum prehomogeneous vector spaces

Alexander Stolin, Sergey Sinel'shchikov, Leonid Vaksman
Journal of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 48 (7), p. 073514-1--073514-27-
Journal article

Irreducible highest weight modules and equivariant quantization

E. Karolinsky, Alexander Stolin, V. Tarasov
Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 211 (1), p. 266-283
Journal article

Rational solutions of CYBE for simple compact real Lie algebras

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Geometry and Physics. Vol. 57 (5), p. 1379-1390
Journal article

A quantum analogue of the bernstein functor

S. Sinel'shchikov, Alexander Stolin, L. Vaksman
Journal of Lie Theory. Vol. 17 (1), p. 73-89
Journal article

Irreducible highest weight modules and equivariant quantization.

Alexander Stolin
Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 211(2007) (1), p. 266-283
Journal article

Classical quasi-trigonometric $r$-matrices of Cremmer-Gervais type and their quantization

Alexander Stolin, Julia Christopher
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. Vol. 13(2006) (suppl. 1), p. 129-136
Journal article

The 4th structure

Alexander Stolin, Julia Christopher
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Vol. 56 (10-11), p. 1293-1297
Journal article

Classical quasi-trigonometric r-matrices of Cremmer-Gervais type and their quantization

Julia Christopher, Maxim Samsonov, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics. Vol. 13, p. 129-136
Journal article

Dynamical Yang-Baxter equations, quasi-Poisson homogeneous spaces, and quantization

E. Karolinsky, K. Muzykin, Alexander Stolin et al
Letters in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 71 (3), p. 179-197
Journal article

Construction of a universal twist element from an R-matrix

Alexander Stolin, P. P. Kulish, E. V. Damaskinsky
Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 125 (2), p. 229-238
Journal article

From dynamical to non-dynamical twists

E. Karolinsky, Alexander Stolin, V. Tarasov
Letters in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 71 (3), p. 173-178
Journal article

Dynamical twists and quantization

Alexander Stolin
Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 376, p. 289-297
Paper in proceeding

Rational solutions of CYBE for simple compact real Lie algebras

Iulia Pop, Alexander Stolin

Dynamical Yang-Baxter equation and quantization of certain Poisson brackets.

Alexander Stolin
Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 391, p. 175-182
Paper in proceeding

Classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equations and quasi-Poisson homogeneous spaces

Alexander Stolin
Pr. Inst. Mat. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Zastos.. Vol. 50, p. 1101-1107
Paper in proceeding

Picard groups of integer group rings and units in cyclotomic fields

Ola Helenius, Alexander Stolin

An approach to Hopf algebras via Frobenius coordinates II

Lars Kadison, Alexander Stolin

Unit bases in integer group rings and the Kervaire-Murthy conjectures

Ola Helenius, Alexander Stolin

On the Kervaire-Murthy conjectures

Ola Helenius, Alexander Stolin

Chains of Frobenius subalgebras of $so(M)$ and the corresponding twists

Vladimir D. Lyakhovsky, Alexander Stolin, Petr P. Kulish

Q-power function over Q-commuting variables and deformed XXX, XXZ chains

Sergey Khoroshkin, Alexander Stolin, Valery Tolstoy

Separability and Hopf algebras

Lars Kadison, Alexander Stolin

Nakayama automorphisms of finite projective Hopf Algebras

Lars Kadison, Alexander Stolin

Classical limit of the scaled elliptic algebra A(h,eta)((sl)over-cap(2))

S. Khoroshkin, D. Lebedev, S. Pakuliak et al
Compositio Mathematica. Vol. 115 (2), p. 205-230
Journal article

Frobenius systems and Hopf Algebras over rings

Lars Kadison, Alexander Stolin

On Hopf-Frobenius algebras

Lars Kadison, Alexander Stolin

Deformation of Yangian Y(sl(2))

S.M. Khoroshkin, Alexander Stolin, V. Tolstoy
Communications in Algebra. Vol. 26 (4), p. 1041-1055
Journal article

Generalized trigonometric solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation

Alexander Stolin
Group22: Proceedings of the XXII International Colloquium in Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, p. 438-442
Paper in proceeding

A nonintegrable sub-Riemannian geodesic flow on a Carnot group

R. Montgomery, M. Shapiro, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems. Vol. 3 (4), p. 519-530
Journal article

On the picard group of the integer group ring of the cyclic p-group and of rings close to it

Alexander Stolin
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 185, p. 443-455
Paper in proceeding

Deformed Yangians and integrable models

Petr P. Kulish, Alexander Stolin
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Vol. 47 (12), p. 1207-1212
Journal article

On antipodes and integrals in Hopf algebras over rings and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation

K.I. Beidar, Y. Fong, Alexander Stolin
Journal of Algebra. Vol. 194 (1), p. 36-52
Journal article

On Frobenius algebras and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation

K.I. Beidar, Y. Fong, Alexander Stolin
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 349 (9), p. 3823-3836
Journal article

New rational solutions of Yang-Baxter equation and deformed Yangians

Alexander Stolin, P.P. Kulish
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Vol. 47 (1), p. 123-129
Journal article

Orbits of the coadjoint representation and Yang-Baxter equation

M.I. Gekhtman, Alexander Stolin
1st International Tainan-Moscow Algebra Workshop, p. 207-223
Paper in proceeding

Generalized Gauss decomposition of trigonometric R-matrices

S. M. Khoroshkin, Alexander Stolin, V. N. Tolstoy
Modern Physics Letters A. Vol. 10 (19), p. 1375-1392
Journal article

A geometrical approach to rational solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation.1.

Alexander Stolin
Conference A on Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, at the 2nd Gauss Symposium, p. 347-357
Paper in proceeding

An explicit formula for the Picard group of the cyclic group of order p2

Alexander Stolin
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 121 (2), p. 375-383
Journal article

On rational solutions of Yang-Baxter equation for SI(N)

Alexander Stolin
Mathematica Scandinavica. Vol. 69 (1), p. 57-80
Journal article

Constant solutions of Yang-Baxter equation for SI(2) and SI(3)

Alexander Stolin
Mathematica Scandinavica. Vol. 69 (1), p. 81-88
Journal article

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