Atieh Hanna

Showing 3 publications


Development of an Industry 4.0 Demonstrator Using Sequence Planner and ROS2

Endre Erös, Martin Dahl, Atieh Hanna et al
Studies in Computational Intelligence. Vol. 895, p. 3-29
Book chapter

A ROS2 based communication architecture for control in collaborative and intelligent automation systems

Endre Erös, Martin Dahl, Kristofer Bengtsson et al
Procedia Manufacturing. Vol. 38, p. 349-357
Paper in proceeding

Integrated virtual commissioning of a ROS2-based collaborative and intelligent automation system

Endre Erös, Martin Dahl, Atieh Hanna et al
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA. Vol. 2019-September, p. 407-413
Paper in proceeding

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