Gustav Åvall

Showing 10 publications


Unlocking the role of electrolyte concentration for Na-O2 batteries

N. Ortiz-Vitoriano, I. Ruiz de Larramendi, Gustav Åvall et al
Energy Storage Materials. Vol. 70
Journal article

Potassium-ion batteries using KFSI/DME electrolytes: Implications of cation solvation on the K+-graphite (co-)intercalation mechanism

Phuong Nam Le Pham, Vincent Gabaudan, Athmane Boulaoued et al
Energy Storage Materials. Vol. 45, p. 291-300
Journal article

Highly Concentrated Electrolytes: Electrochemical and Physicochemical Characteristics of LiPF6 in Propylene Carbonate Solutions

Gustav Åvall, Joachim Wallenstein, Gang Cheng et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 168 (5)
Journal article

Concentration Dependent Solution Structure and Transport Mechanism in High Voltage LiTFSI-Adiponitrile Electrolytes

Christopher J. Franko, Chae-Ho Yim, Fabian Årén et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 167 (16)
Journal article

A novel approach to ligand-exchange rates applied to lithium-ion battery and sodium-ion battery electrolytes

Gustav Åvall, Patrik Johansson
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 152 (23)
Journal article

Sodium-Ion Battery Electrolytes: Modeling and Simulations

Gustav Åvall, J. Mindemark, D. Brandell et al
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. 8 (17)
Review article

Li Salt Anion Effect on O2 Solubility in an Li-O2 Battery

Jonas Lindberg, Balázs Endródi, Gustav Åvall et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 122 (4), p. 1913-1920
Journal article

Solvation structure in dilute to highly concentrated electrolytes for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries

Eibar Flores, Gustav Åvall, Steffen Jeschke et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 233, p. 134-141
Journal article

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