Björn Åkerman
The research of the Ã…kerman group focuses on the behaviour of DNA and proteins in confining environments. Individual DNA molecules are subjected to mechanical and electric forces in order to understand basic principles for their biological function and analytical separation. Proteins are immobilized in mesoporous particles which are used to recycle enzymes exploited to catalyze biotechnical reactions. In both cases the spectroscopic expertise of the research group is used in close collaboration with surface chemists and molecular biologists at Chalmers.

Showing 55 publications
Spatial Distribution of Enzymes Immobilized in Mesoporous Silicas for Biocatalysis
Measuring viscosity inside mesoporous silica using protein-bound molecular rotor probe
Interaction of DNA with water soluble complex of Nickle and formation of DNA cross-links
Distribution of Immobilized Enzymes on the Surface and into the Mesoporous Silica Particle
Characterization of self-assembled DNA concatemers from synthetic oligonucleotides
Learning to argue as a biotechnologist: Disprivileging opposition to genetically modified food.
Enzymes Immobilized in Mesoporous Silica: a Physical-Chemical Perspective
Monitoring the Kinetics of Enzyme Immobilization into Mesoporous Silica by Real Time Fluorescence
A method to measure pH inside mesoporous particles using protein-bound SNARF1 fluorescent probe
Assessing How Cationic Intercalators Affect DNA using Nanofluidic Channels
Tension Induces a Base-Paired Overstretched DNA Conformation
Assessing how cationic intercalators affect DNA using nanofluidic channels
Tension induces a base-paired overstretched DNA conformation
Spectroscopic characterization of Coomassie blue and its binding to amyloid fibrils
Covalent functionalization of carbon nanotube forests grown in situ on a metal-silicon chip
DNA in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix and interactions with three intercalating cyanine dyes
Direct probing of ion pair formation using a symmetric triangulenium dye
Feruloyl esterases for biosynthesis in mesoporous silica
Binding of Intercalating and Groove-Binding Cyanine Dyes to Bacteriophage T5
Electrophoretic transport of latex particles in lipid nanotubes
Time-resolved electrophoretic analysis of mobility shifts for dissociating DNA ligands
Binding Mode of Norfloxacin to Calf Thymus DNA
DNA Interactions with Substitution-Inert Transition Metal Ion Complexes
Characterization of the Electronic-Structure of 4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole
Characterization of the Spectroscopic Properties of Aromatic-Molecules by Polarized Spectroscopy
New Techniques for Aligning Molecules:
Orientation of DNA during gel electrophoresis studied with linear dichroism spectroscopy
Electrophoretic orientation of DNA detected by linear dichroism spectroscopy
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Showing 1 research projects
Spectroscopic studies of an enzymatic cascade immobilized in mesoporous particles.