Bengt Steen
Bengt Steen, got his PhD in chemical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology 1975. He was employed by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute 1968 as an environmental scientist and held various positions there until 1996. 1996 he joined Chalmers again as an adjunct professor. His research initially was focused on measurement techniques, but during the 1980ies the research was mostly on mechanisms of generation and impacts of air pollutants.
Since 1990 his research is focused on Environmental Life Cycle Assessments (LCA). Of particular interest to him has been the monetary valuation of environmental impacts, and he has been one of the developers of the EPS system, an LCA tool for product development. He has also been active in the ISO work to develop international standards for LCA, eco-efficiency and monetary valuation or environmental impacts. He was converer in the working groups for eco-efficiency and monetary valuation. 2012 he got the SETAC Europe Life Time Award for Outstanding Achievements in LCA.

Showing 20 publications
A selection of safeguard subjects and state indicators for sustainability assessments
Choosing a monetary value of greenhouse gases in assessment tools: A comprehensive review
Non-Aqueous Electrolytes for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Carbon Dioxide Capture from Ambient Air Using Amine-Grafted Mesoporous Adsorbents
Tolerance Optimization for Economic and Ecological Sustainability Using RD&T
Integrating external effects into life cycle costing
Development of interpretation keys for environmental product declarations
Abiotic Resource Depletion: Different Perceptions of the Problem with Mineral Deposits
Environmental costs and benefits in life cycle costing
Describing Values in Relation to Choices in LCA
Extraction of Metals from Bedrock
LCI Data Modelling and a Database Design
A relational database for use with risk analysis and GIS-applications
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Showing 7 research projects
Nature Capital and Value Creation
Integrated sustainability assessment of tomorrow's battery concepts
Development of methodology to communicate environmental damage cost data
Policies for Life-Cycles, an Integrated Assessment (POLICIA)
Development of method and application on monetisation
Lithium Sulfur Superbattery Exploitating Nanotechnology (LISSEN)
Advanced, High Performance, Polymer Lithium Batteries for Electrochemical Storage (APPLES)