Berit Reinmüller
Showing 62 publications
Microbial risk assessment with the LR-method in safety cabinets/class II benches
Microbial contamination risks of the surface of surgical clothing systems - an observational study
Performance test of technical cleanroom clothing systems
Safety Ventilation in Ultra Clean Air Operating Rooms - A Reveiw
Performance of single-use surgical clothing systems during ongoing surgery
Performance of Olefin surgical clothing systems in a dispersal chamber
Safety Ventilation in Operating Rooms - A Review
Some aspects on the sampling efficiency of microbial impaction air samplers
Clothing Systems in Operating Rooms - A Comparative Study
Short Version: Practical Safety Ventilation in Operating Rooms - An Introduction
Performance of clothing systems in the context of operating rooms
Performance of Single-use Surgical Clothing Systems in Ongoing Surgery
Evaulation of Clothing Systems - Results from Dispersal Chamber tests
Clothing systems evaluated in a dispersal chamber
Single-use surgical clothing system for reduction of airborne bacteria in the operating room
Practical Safety Ventilation in Operating Rooms - An Introduction
Étude comparative sur les systèmes d/habillage en salles d'opération
Results from a Swedish survey - investigations in operating rooms
Course Material: Safety Ventilation in Pharmacuetical and Biotech Industry- An Introduction
Clothing systems in operating rooms-a comparative study.
Comparison between two measuring methods with active air sampling of airborne viable particles.
Dispersion of airborne contaminants through door openings in operating rooms-Some calculations.
Swedish survey and a summary of investigations in operating rooms.
Performance of clothing systems in the context of operating rooms; a question of patient safety.
Performance of clothing systems in the context of operating rooms; a question of patient safety.
Contamination risks due to door openings in operating rooms
Monitoring of air in clean environments-a comparative study with instantaneous microbial detection.
Litteraturstudie; Mikrobiologiska säkerhetsbänkar klass II.
L'abbigliamento usato in una sala operatoria:una questione di sicurezza del personale
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Showing 1 research projects
Infection and contagion-proof care facilities in low-income countries