Berit Reinmüller

Visar 62 publikationer



Bengt Ljungqvist, Johan Nordenadler, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 29 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Source strengths obtained with three clean air suits fulfilling the requirements for high performance in EN 13795-2:2019: An experimental study

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Ann Tammelin
Textile Research Journal. Vol. 93 (21-22), p. 4902-4907
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Source strength as a measurement to define the ability of clean air suits to reduce airborne contamination in operating rooms

B. Lytsy, A. Hambraeus, Bengt Ljungqvist et al
Journal of Hospital Infection. Vol. 119, p. 9-15
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
Rapport - Chalmers tekniska högskola AB

Evaluating the effect of Novarerus NV800 air purifier units during orthopaedic surgery to reduce bioburden in the air

B. Lytsy, Bengt Ljungqvist, Johan Nordenadler et al
Journal of Hospital Infection. Vol. 130, p. 108-111
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Some observations on protective efficacy of surgical clothing systems with additional clothing components concerning airborne bacteria-carrying particles measured during ongoing surgery.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 26 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Ventilation design conditions associated with airborne bacteria levels within the wound area during surgical procedures: a systematic review

A. Aganovic, G. Cao, T. Fecer et al
Journal of Hospital Infection. Vol. 113, p. 85-95

People as a Contamination Source in Pharmaceutical Clean Rooms-Source Strengths and Calculated Concentrations of Airborne Contaminants

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
PDA journal of pharmaceutical science and technology. Vol. 75 (2), p. 119-127
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Contamination risks evaluated with the lr-method in unidirectional airflow at different air velocities

Bengt Ljungqvist, Johan Nordenadler, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 24 (2), p. 44-48
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Comparison between Measured Values of Airborne Viable Particles and Theoretical Calculated Values with the Dilution Principle in Operating Rooms Equipped with Low Velocities Unidirectional Airflow Systems

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Pedro Gandra
24th International Symposium on Contamination Control and Cleanroom Technology : September 23-26, 2018, World Forum, The Hague : proceedings , p. 148-153
Paper i proceeding

Microbial risk assessment with the LR-method in safety cabinets/class II benches

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 23 (2), p. 54-59
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Some aspects of protective efficacy of surgical clothing systems concerning airborne microorganisms based on results from measurements in a dispersal chamber and during surgical procedures

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral & Pharmaceutical Sciences (22(2)), p. 51-58
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Microbial contamination risks of the surface of surgical clothing systems - an observational study

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences (22/1), p. 6-12
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Unidirectional air flow systems with low velocities in operating rooms- a comparison between measured values of airborne viable particles and theoretical calculated values with the dilution principle.

Pedro Gandra, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral & Pharmaceutical Sciences (22(3)), p. 82-86
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Performance of single-use surgical clothing systems during ongoing surgery

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
International Symposium on Contamination Control, ICCCS, Sao Paulo, Brazil, sept 2016
Paper i proceeding

Safety Ventilation in Ultra Clean Air Operating Rooms - A Reveiw

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
Renhetsteknik (3)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Performance test of technical cleanroom clothing systems

Francesco Romano, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
Proceedings of Indoor Air 2016, 14 th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, paer#990, Ghent, Belgium, 2016
Paper i proceeding

Comparison of three distinct clean air suits to decrease the bacterial load in the operating room: An observational study

P. Kasina, A. Tammelin, A.M. Blomfeldt et al
Patient Safety in Surgery. Vol. 10 (1)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Performance of Olefin surgical clothing systems in a dispersal chamber

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
International Symposium on Contamination Control, ICCCS, Sao Paulo, Brazil, sept 2016
Paper i proceeding

Assessing contamination control of pre-sterilised container tub transfers into an aseptic manufacturing filling isolator via a de-bagging/no-touch-transfer process step

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Corinna Maier et al
European Journal of Parenteral & Pharmaceutical Sciences (21 (3)), p. 90-101
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Swedish comparative study of three principally different surgery room ventilation systems by experimental measurements and CFD calculation

Pedro Gandra, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
International Symposium on Contamination Control, ICCCS, Sao Paulo, Brazil, sept 2016
Paper i proceeding

Pharmaceutical production versus operating rooms in hospitals with focus on airborne particles and microorganism - Requirements and environmental monitoring

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
International Symposium on Contamination Control, ICCCS, Sao Paulo, Brazil, sept 2016
Paper i proceeding

Dispersal chambers used for evaluation of cleanroom and surgical clothing systems - examples of performed tests and results

Francesco Romano, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
International Symposium on Contamination Control, ICCCS, Sao Paulo, Brazil sept 2016
Paper i proceeding

Safety Ventilation in Operating Rooms - A Review

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
Renhetsteknik 2015 (3)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Some aspects on the sampling efficiency of microbial impaction air samplers

Francesco Romano, Jan Gusten, Cesare M. Joppolo et al
Particuology. Vol. 20, p. 110-113
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Does release position of bacteria-carrying particles influence contaminant distribution in an operating room?

Sasan Sadrizadeh, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
Healthy Buildings 2015, HB 2015 Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2015-May
Paper i proceeding

Clothing Systems in Operating Rooms - A Comparative Study

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Jan Gusten et al
Journal of the IEST. Vol. 58 (1), p. 20-23
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Requirements and environmental monitoring in pharmaceutical production versus operating rooms in hospitals with focus on airborne particles and microorganisms

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 20 (3), p. 100-103
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Performance of Single-use Surgical Clothing Systems in Ongoing Surgery

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
VTT Techology 168, 45th R3Nordic Symposium, Naantali May 2014
Paper i proceeding

Performance of clothing systems in the context of operating rooms

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Jan Gusten et al
European Journal of Parenteral & Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 19 (3), p. 95-101
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evaulation of Clothing Systems - Results from Dispersal Chamber tests

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
VTT Technology 168, 45th R3Nordic Symposium, Taantali, May 2014
Paper i proceeding

Clothing systems evaluated in a dispersal chamber

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 19 (2), p. 67-69
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Practical Safety Ventilation in Operating Rooms - An Introduction

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller

Single-use surgical clothing system for reduction of airborne bacteria in the operating room

A. Tammelin, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
Journal of Hospital Infection. Vol. 84 (3), p. 245-247
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Results from a Swedish survey - investigations in operating rooms

Bengt Ljungqvist, Johan Nordenadler, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 18 (4), p. 125-127
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Étude comparative sur les systèmes d/habillage en salles d'opération

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Jan Gusten et al
Le magazine de la Maîtrise de la contamination. Vol. No 88, 2013 (No 88, 2013)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Study of proper placements of HEPA-filter units in order to prevent airborne contamination of autoclaves in aseptic production by using computional fluid dynamics

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
Renhetsteknik. Vol. 2013 (3), p. 15-20
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Comparison between two measuring methods with active air sampling of airborne viable particles.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Ann Tammelin
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 17 (2), p. 56-59
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Clothing systems in operating rooms-a comparative study.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Jan Gusten et al
International Symposium on Contamination Control (ICCCS), Zürich, Schweiz, september 2012
Paper i proceeding

Dispersion of airborne contaminants through door openings in operating rooms-Some calculations.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Jan Gusten et al
International Symposium on Contamination Control (ICCCS), Zürich, Schweiz, september 2012
Paper i proceeding

Comparison of three distinct surgical clothing systems for protection from air-borne bacteria: A prospective observational study

A. Tammelin, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
Patient Safety in Surgery. Vol. 6 (23)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Swedish survey and a summary of investigations in operating rooms.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Johan Nordenadler
International Symposium on Contamination Control (ICCCS), Zürich, Schweiz, september 2012,
Paper i proceeding

Study of proper placements of HEPA-filter units in order to prevent airborne contamination of autoclaves in aseptic production by using computational fluid dynamics

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 17 (4), p. 148-156
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Study of proper placements of HEPA-filter units in order to prevent airborne contamination of autoclaves in aseptic production by using computional fluid dynamics.

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 17 (4), p. 148-156
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Performance of clothing systems in the context of operating rooms; a question of patient safety.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Johan Nordenadler, Berit Reinmüller
RenhetsTeknik - Nordic Journal of Contamination Control and Clean Room Technology. Vol. 3:2011
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Performance of clothing systems in the context of operating rooms; a question of patient safety.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Johan Nordenadler
Clean Air and Containment Review. Vol. 7 (June 2011)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Monitoring of air in clean environments-a comparative study with instantaneous microbial detection.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 16 (2), p. 49-53
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

L'abbigliamento usato in una sala operatoria:una questione di sicurezza del personale

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, J Nordenadler
ASCCA News. Vol. 2:2011
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Contamination risks due to door openings in operating rooms

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller, Jan Gusten et al
Technology of Cleanliness, The Magazine of the Association of Engineers for Microcontamination Control, ASENMCO. Vol. 3:2011
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Litteraturstudie; Mikrobiologiska säkerhetsbänkar klass II.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
42nd R3 Nordic Symposium, Oslo, Maj-2011
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Monitoring of air in clean environments - a comparative study with instantaneous microbial detection.

Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
Environmental Monotoring - A Comprehensive Handbook, Volume 5, Chapter 10, p. 157-166
Kapitel i bok

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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt


Infektions- och smittskyddssäkrade vårdlokaler i låginkomstländer

Lars Ekberg Installationsteknik
Daniel Olsson Installationsteknik
Bengt Ljungqvist Installationsteknik
Berit Reinmüller Installationsteknik
Catinka Ullmann Installationsteknik

1 publikation finns
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