Birger Karlsson

Professor Emeritus at Engineering Materials

Reviewer of research projects. Academic adviser

Image of Birger Karlsson

Showing 67 publications


Anisotropy in Thermal Transport Properties of Cast γ-TiAl Alloys

Dennis Lundstrom, Birger Karlsson, Mattias Gustavsson
International Journal of Materials Research. Vol. 92 (11), p. 1203-1212
Journal article

The influence of temperatures and strain rates on the mechanical behavior of dual phase steel in different conditions

Yu Cao, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Journal of Materials Research and Technology. Vol. 4 (1), p. 68-74
Journal article

Temperature and strain rate effects on the mechanical behavior of dual phase steel

Yu Cao, Birger Karlsson, Johan Ahlström
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 636, p. 124-132
Journal article

Influence of short heat pulses on properties of martensite in medium carbon steels

Krste Cvetkovski, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 561, p. 321-328
Journal article

FÖR HJÄRTAT OCH SNILLET - om Kungl. Samhällets emblem

Gunnar Dahlström, Birger Karlsson
KVVS Årsbok 2012, pp. 119-128, p. 119-128
Magazine article

Influence of shot peening on fatigue durability of normalized steel subjected to variable amplitude loading

Kamellia Dalaei, Birger Karlsson
International Journal of Fatigue. Vol. 38 (May 2012), p. 75-83
Journal article

Stability of Residual Stresses Created by Shot Peening in Monotonic Loading and at the Presence of Load Reversals - Experiments and Modeling

Kamellia Dalaei, Christer Persson, Birger Karlsson
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 134 (2), p. 021010-
Journal article

Monotonic and cyclic deformation of a high silicon pearlitic wheel steel

Krste Cvetkovski, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Wear. Vol. 271 (1-2), p. 382-387
Journal article

Thermal degradation of pearlitic steels: influence on mechanical properties including fatigue behaviour

Krste Cvetkovski, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Materials Science and Technology. Vol. 27 (3), p. 648-654
Journal article

Determination of Stresses and Retained Austenite in Carbon Steels by X-rays - A Round Robin Study

Seyed Hosseini, Birger Karlsson, Tania Vuoristo et al
Experimental Mechanics. Vol. 51 (1), p. 59-69
Journal article

The bending fatigue strength of gears in isotropic 20NiMo10 steel in as-machined, single-peened and double-peened condition

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson
HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials. Vol. 66 (1), p. 24-29
Journal article

Stability of shot peening induced residual stresses and their influence on fatigue lifetime

Kamellia Dalaei, Birger Karlsson, Lars-Erik Svensson
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 528 (3), p. 1008-1015
Journal article

Influence of overloading on fatigue durability and stability of the residual stresses in shot peened normalized steel

Kamellia Dalaei, Birger Karlsson
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. 528 (24), p. 7323-7330
Journal article

Mechanical Behaviour of a Rephosphorized Steel for Car Body Applications — Effects of Temperature, Strain Rate and Pre-treatment

Yu Cao, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 133 (2), p. 021019-1 - 021019-11-
Journal article

Minnesteckningar över avlidna ledamöter 2010. Särtryck ur KVVS Årsbok 2011

Peter Olsson, Per-Åke Jansson, Lena Johannesson et al
Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället i Göteborg (KVVS)
Magazine article

Influence of shot peening on fatigue durability of decarburized spring steels

Kamellia Dalaei, Jonas Höijer, Gunnar Åkerström et al
Proceeding of international shot peening conference (ICSP 11), p. 183-188
Paper in proceeding

Low cycle fatigue and deformation behaviour of austenitic manganese steel in rolled and as-cast conditions

Martin Schilke, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Procedia Engineering: 10th International Fatigue Congress, FATIGUE 2010; Prague; Czech Republic; 6 June 2010 through 11 June 2010. Vol. 2 (1), p. 623-628
Paper in proceeding

Stability of Residual stresses Created by Shot Peening of Pearlitic Steel and Their Influence on Fatigue Behaviour

Kamellia Dalaei, Birger Karlsson, Lars-Erik Svensson
10th International Fatigue Congress, FATIGUE 2010; Prague; Czech Republic; 6 June 2010 through 11 June 2010. Vol. 2 (2), p. 613-622
Paper in proceeding

Short-time tempering kinetics of quench hardened pearlitic steels

Johan Ahlström, Krste Cvetkovski, Birger Karlsson et al
Conference proceedings ICTPMCS-2010, 31 May – 2 June 2010, Shanghai, China, p. 6 pp-
Paper in proceeding

Thermal softening of fine pearlitic steel and its effect on the fatigue behaviour

Krste Cvetkovski, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Procedia Engineering: 10th International Fatigue Congress, FATIGUE 2010; Prague; Czech Republic; 6 June 2010 through 11 June 2010. Vol. 2 (1), p. 541-545
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic strain ageing and dynamic precipitation in AA7030 during cyclic deformation

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
Procedia Engineering. Vol. 2 (1), p. 265-273
Paper in proceeding

Experiences of and Improvement of Writing Skills in a Lecture Based Course in Polymeric Materials

Maria Knutson Wedel, Rodney Rychwalski, Mikael Rigdahl et al
Proceedings of the 5th International CDIO Conference, Singapore
Paper in proceeding

Bending fatigue of gear teeth of conventional and isotropic steels

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson, Viktor Leicht
HTM - Haerterei-Technische Mitteilungen. Vol. 64 (2), p. 80-88
Journal article

Stiffness changes during fatigue of railway steels R8/R8T at ambient and subzero temperatures

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Centro Sviluppe Materiali S.p.A., Firenze, Italy. Vol. 1, p. 7-9
Paper in proceeding

Investigation on Manganese Sulfide Inclusion Sizes in 50CrMo4 Steels by means of Fractography, Micrograph Analysis and Immersion Ultrasound

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson, Ketil Torresvoll et al
Praktische Metallographie/Practical Metallography. Vol. 46 (3), p. 123-136
Journal article

Monotonic and cyclic deformation of medium and high strength rail steels

Johan Ahlström, Martin Schilke, Birger Karlsson
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Centro Sviluppe Materiali S.p.A., Firenze, Italy. Vol. 1, p. 3-5
Paper in proceeding

An Investigation on Fracture Surfaces of Shot Blasted and As Forged Componants in Constant and Variable Loading Fatigue

Kamellia Dalaei, Birger Karlsson, Lars-Erik Svensson et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Crack Paths (CP2009). Editor: European Structural Integrity Society, p. 233-243
Paper in proceeding

Effect of heat treatment on the strain hardening behaviour of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
International Journal of Materials Research. Vol. 100 (11), p. 1574 - 1581
Journal article

Modified Railway Wheel Steels: Production and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties with Emphasis on Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 40A (7), p. 1557-1567
Journal article

Monotonic and cyclic deformation of a high silicon pearlitic wheel steel

Krste Cvetkovski, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Centro Sviluppe Materiali S.p.A., Firenze, Italy. Vol. 2, p. 557-563
Paper in proceeding

Unloading stiffness of near fully pearlitic steel UIC-R8/R8T during cyclic plastic straining

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson, Johan Ahlström
Proc. 6th Intern. Conf. on Low Cycle Fatigue (P.D. Portella, T. Beck, M. Okazaki - eds.). Deutsche Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung (DVM), Berlin 2008, p. Pp. 487-492
Paper in proceeding

Low cycle fatigue behaviour of alternative steels for highly stressed rail components

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Proc. 6th Intern. Conf. on Low Cycle Fatigue (P.D. Portella, T. Beck, M. Okazaki - eds.), Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung och -prüfung (DVM), Berlin 2008, p. Pp. 747-752
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Heat Treatment on the Cyclic Deformation Properties of Aluminium Alloy AA7030

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. Vol. A479 (1-2), p. 345-355
Journal article

Fatigue crack initiation in hardened medium carbon steel due to manganese sulphide inclusion clusters

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson, Nils-Gunnar Ingesten
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. Vol. 31, p. 466-477
Journal article

Influence of decarburisation on the fatigue behaviour of shot peened spring steels

Kamellia Dalaei, Jonas Höijer, Gunnar Åkerström et al
Proc. 10th Intern. Conf. on Shot Peening (K. Tosha, ed.), Academy Common Meiji University, Tokyo, Sept. 2008, p. 274-279
Paper in proceeding

Fatigue Isotropy in Cross-Rolled, Hardened Isotropic-Quality Steel

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson, Nils-Gunnar Ingesten
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. Vol. 39A (5), p. 1132-1144
Journal article

Temperature and Strain Rate Effects on the Work Hardening of AA7030

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
Aluminium Alloys (J. Hirsch, B. Skrotzki, G. Gottstein - eds.), Proc. 11th Intern. Conf. on Aluminium Alloys, Wiley-VCH GmbH, 2008. Vol. Vol. II, p. 1498-1503
Paper in proceeding

Development of the unloading stiffness during cyclic plastic deformation of a high-strength aluminium alloy in different tempers

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
International Journal of Materials Research. Vol. 98 (11), p. 1115-1123
Journal article

An In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of the Bonding between MnS Inclusions and the Matrix during Tensile Deformation of Hot-Rolled Steels

Seyed Hosseini, Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson et al
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. Vol. 38A, p. 982-989
Journal article

Quenching Cracks in Medium Carbon Steel Initiated at Manganese Sulfide Inclusions

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson, Nils-Gunnar Ingesten
Härtereitechnische Mitteilungen. Vol. 62, p. 236-242
Journal article

Thermal Vacancy Hardening in Fe100-xAlx (28<x<40)

HELENA SKOGLUND, Maria Knutson Wedel, Birger Karlsson
Intermetallics. Vol. 15 (8), p. 1127-1131
Journal article

An investigation on machinability of low sulphur steel

Kamellia Dalaei, Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson et al
Metal cutting research conference
Paper in proceeding

The fatigue properties of modified railway wheel steels as influenced by low temperature and grain size

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
9th International Fatigue Congress, Atlanta 2006, p. 10 pages-
Paper in proceeding

Temperature and strain rate dependence of the dynamic strain ageing effect in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
Materials Science and Technology. Vol. 22 (2), p. 213-222
Journal article

Diffusion of Al during hot consolidation of FeAl

HELENA SKOGLUND, Maria Knutson Wedel, Birger Karlsson
Acta Materialia. Vol. 54, p. 3853-3861
Journal article

Temperature and Strain Rate Effects on the Dynamic Strain Ageing of AA7030

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 519-521, p. 883-888
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Temperature and Strain Rate on the Plastic Deformation of two Commercial High Strength Al Alloys

Magnus Johansson, Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 519-521, p. 841-845
Paper in proceeding

Static and Cyclic Behaviour of Near Fully Pearlitic Railway Steel - Influence of Temperature and Prestrain

Niklas Köppen, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Proc. 9th International Fatigue Congress, Atlanta, May 2006, p. 8 pages-
Paper in proceeding

Fatigue Anisotropy in Cross-Rolled, Hardened Medium Carbon Steel due to MnS Inclusions

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson, Nils-Gunnar Ingesten
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. Vol. 37A (10), p. 2995-3008
Journal article

Comparison of Murakami Fatigue Limit with True Fatigue Strength of a Tested 42CrMo4 Steel

Cornelius Temmel, Birger Karlsson, Nils-Gunnar Ingesten
Fatigue Damage VI Conference, USA
Paper in proceeding

Material properties affecting the machinability of Inconel 718

Maria Krook, Viktor Recina, Birger Karlsson
Superalloys 718, 625, 706 and Various Derivatives - TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) , Ed. E.A. Lorca
Paper in proceeding

Fatigue behaviour of Co-Cr cladded steel plates for railway applications

Simon Niederhauser, Birger Karlsson
Wear. Vol. 258, p. 1156-1164
Journal article

Low cycle fatigue behaviour of railway wheel steels including temperature effects

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Proceedings of 11th Intern. Conf. on Fracture, Torino, March 2005, p. 6 pages-
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic strain ageing effects in an extruded AA 7030 alloy subjected to tensile deformation

Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander, Birger Karlsson
Proceedings of 11th Intern. Conf. on Fracture, Torino, March 2005, p. 6 pages-
Paper in proceeding

Microstructural Development in the Heat-Affected Zone of Laser-Cladded Steel

Simon Niederhauser, Birger Karlsson, Peter Sotkovszki
Zeitschrift für Metallkunde. Vol. 96 (4), p. 370-376
Journal article

Fatigue behaviour of rail steel - a comparison between strain and stress controlled loading

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Wear. Vol. 258 (7-8), p. 1187-1193
Journal article

Modelling of Laser Cladding of Medium Carbon Steel - a First Approach

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson, Simon Niederhauser
Journal de Physique IV. Vol. 120, p. 405-412
Journal article

Processing of fine-grained mechanically alloyed FeAl

HELENA SKOGLUND, Maria Knutson Wedel, Birger Karlsson
Intermetallics. Vol. 12, p. 977-983
Journal article

The role of oxygen in powder processing of FeAl

HELENA SKOGLUND, Maria Knutson Wedel, Birger Karlsson
Intermetallics. Vol. 11, p. 475-482
Journal article

Modelling of heat conduction and phase transformations during sliding of railway wheels

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Wear. Vol. 253 (1-2), p. 291-300
Journal article

Cyclic deformation and fatigue behaviour of microalloyed carbon steels for use in railway wheels

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Advances in mechanical behaviour, plasticity and damage-Proceedings of EUROMAT 2000 / D. Miannay, P. Costa, D. Francois, A. Pineau, p. 1021-1026
Paper in proceeding

Fatigue crack nucleation induced by surface shearing of railway wheels

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Fatigue '99 / X.R. Wu, Z.G. Wang. Vol. 4, p. 2609-2614
Paper in proceeding

Analytical 1D model for analysis of the thermally affected zone formed during railway wheel skid

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Wear. Vol. 232 (1), p. 15-24
Journal article

Microstructural evaluation and interpretation of the mechanically and thermally affected zone under railway wheel flats

Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Wear. Vol. 232 (1), p. 1-14
Journal article

Sample preparation and microstructural characterization of the gamma titanium aluminide Ti-48Al-2W-0.5Si

Viktor Recina, Johan Ahlström, Birger Karlsson
Materials Characterization. Vol. 38 (4-5), p. 287-300
Journal article

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