Birger Karlsson
Forskningsprojektbedömare åt Rektorsämbetet. Akademisk rådgivare

Visar 67 publikationer
Anisotropy in Thermal Transport Properties of Cast γ-TiAl Alloys
Using Natures's Concepts to Synthesize Materials - an Example of Biomimetic Chemistry
Temperature and strain rate effects on the mechanical behavior of dual phase steel
Influence of short heat pulses on properties of martensite in medium carbon steels
FÖR HJÄRTAT OCH SNILLET - om Kungl. Samhällets emblem
Monotonic and cyclic deformation of a high silicon pearlitic wheel steel
Stability of shot peening induced residual stresses and their influence on fatigue lifetime
Minnesteckningar över avlidna ledamöter 2010. Särtryck ur KVVS Årsbok 2011
Determination of Stresses and Retained Austenite in Carbon Steels by X-rays - A Round Robin Study
Influence of shot peening on fatigue durability of decarburized spring steels
Short-time tempering kinetics of quench hardened pearlitic steels
Thermal softening of fine pearlitic steel and its effect on the fatigue behaviour
Dynamic strain ageing and dynamic precipitation in AA7030 during cyclic deformation
Experiences of and Improvement of Writing Skills in a Lecture Based Course in Polymeric Materials
Bending fatigue of gear teeth of conventional and isotropic steels
Stiffness changes during fatigue of railway steels R8/R8T at ambient and subzero temperatures
Monotonic and cyclic deformation of medium and high strength rail steels
Effect of heat treatment on the strain hardening behaviour of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy
Monotonic and cyclic deformation of a high silicon pearlitic wheel steel
Low cycle fatigue behaviour of alternative steels for highly stressed rail components
Unloading stiffness of near fully pearlitic steel UIC-R8/R8T during cyclic plastic straining
Influence of Heat Treatment on the Cyclic Deformation Properties of Aluminium Alloy AA7030
Temperature and Strain Rate Effects on the Work Hardening of AA7030
Fatigue Isotropy in Cross-Rolled, Hardened Isotropic-Quality Steel
Influence of decarburisation on the fatigue behaviour of shot peened spring steels
Quenching Cracks in Medium Carbon Steel Initiated at Manganese Sulfide Inclusions
Thermal Vacancy Hardening in Fe100-xAlx (28<x<40)
An investigation on machinability of low sulphur steel
Temperature and strain rate dependence of the dynamic strain ageing effect in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy
Diffusion of Al during hot consolidation of FeAl
Fatigue Anisotropy in Cross-Rolled, Hardened Medium Carbon Steel due to MnS Inclusions
Temperature and Strain Rate Effects on the Dynamic Strain Ageing of AA7030
Comparison of Murakami Fatigue Limit with True Fatigue Strength of a Tested 42CrMo4 Steel
Fatigue behaviour of Co-Cr cladded steel plates for railway applications
Low cycle fatigue behaviour of railway wheel steels including temperature effects
Material properties affecting the machinability of Inconel 718
Microstructural Development in the Heat-Affected Zone of Laser-Cladded Steel
Fatigue behaviour of rail steel - a comparison between strain and stress controlled loading
Dynamic strain ageing effects in an extruded AA 7030 alloy subjected to tensile deformation
Modelling of Laser Cladding of Medium Carbon Steel - a First Approach
Processing of fine-grained mechanically alloyed FeAl
The role of oxygen in powder processing of FeAl
Modelling of heat conduction and phase transformations during sliding of railway wheels
Cyclic deformation and fatigue behaviour of microalloyed carbon steels for use in railway wheels
Analytical 1D model for analysis of the thermally affected zone formed during railway wheel skid
Fatigue crack nucleation induced by surface shearing of railway wheels
Two-phase materials : mechanical properties and structure control
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