Bo Å Peterson

Showing 12 publications


Towards early ice detection on wind turbine blades using acoustic waves

Viktor Berbyuk, Bo Å Peterson, Jan Möller
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 9063, p. 90630F-1 - 90630F-11-
Paper in proceeding

Energy-optimal control of bipedal locomtion systems

Viktor Berbyuk, Anders E Boström, Bogdan Lytwyn et al
J. Stability and Control: Theory and Application, (SACTA).. Vol. 4 (2), p. 74-89
Journal article

Modeling an design of robotic systems having spring-damper actuators

Viktor Berbyuk, Anders E Boström, Bo Å Peterson

Modeling and design of robotic systems having spring-damper actuators

Viktor Berbyuk, Anders E Boström, Bo Å Peterson
Proceedings of the 7th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, 6-8 September 2000, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, PERGAMON, 2000.
Paper in proceeding

Modeling of controlled motion of semi-passively actuated bipedal robot

Viktor Berbyuk, Anders E Boström, Myroslav Demydyuk et al
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference “Mathematical Problems of Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Structures”, 26-29 September 2000, Lviv-Lutsk, Ukraine, Lviv, 2000.. Vol. 2, p. 64-68
Paper in proceeding

Optimization of control laws of the bipedal locomotion systems

Viktor Berbyuk, Anders E Boström, Bogdan Lytwyn et al
In Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Jorge A.C. Ambrósio and Werner O. Schiehlen (Eds.), IDMEC/IST, Lisbon, Portugal, September 20-23, 1999,, p. 713-728
Paper in proceeding

Optimization of control laws of the bipedal locomotion systems

Viktor Berbyuk, Anders E Boström, Bogdan Lytwyn et al

Energy-optimal motion of semi-passively controlled one-link manipulator

Viktor Berbyuk, Maria Kudyn, Anders E Boström et al
J. Mechanics and Machines Manufacture, (1), p. 55-60
Journal article

Linear viscoelastic actuator-based control system of a bipedal walking robot

Viktor Berbyuk, Bo Å Peterson, Nataliya Nishchenko

The mathematical modeling of viscoelastic parameters of human locomotion system

Viktor Berbyuk, Nataliya Nishchenko, Bo Å Peterson
In Proceedings of the International Research Conference "Modern problems of mechanics and mathematics", Lviv, Ukraine, 25-28 May 1998, IAPMM, Lviv, 1998.
Paper in proceeding

Linear viscoelastic actuator-based control system of a bipedal walking robot

Viktor Berbyuk, Bo Å Peterson, Nataliya Nishchenko
In MECHATRONICS'98, Proceedings of the 6th UK Mechatronics Forum International Conference, Editors J. Adolfsson and J. Karlsen, Skövde, Sweden, 9-11 September 1998, Elsevier., p. 379-384
Paper in proceeding

Internal torques of human upper extremity during its optimal motion in vertical plane

Viktor Berbyuk, Bo Å Peterson, Mariya Kudyn
The Tenth Biomechanics Seminar. Vol. 10, p. 66-83
Paper in proceeding

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