Burden Håkan
Showing 45 publications
One Block on Top of the Other: Using Minetest to Teach Scrum
Teaching sustainable development through entrepreneurial experiences
Teaching and Fostering Reflection in Software Engineering Project Courses
Facilitating entrepreneurial experiences through a software engineering project course
Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses
No silver brick: Opportunities and limitations of teaching Scrum with Lego workshops
For Free: Continuity and Change by Team Teaching
Crunch time: The reasons and effects of unpaid overtime in the games industry
A taxonomy of tool-related issues affecting the adoption of model-driven engineering
Catalyzing Knowledge Transfer in Innovation Ecosystems through Contests
Teaching Agile: Addressing the Conflict Between Project Delivery and Application of Agile Methods
ElectriCity Innovation Challenge 2015: Experiences
From Model to Rig – An Automotive Case Study
Teaching scrum – what we did, what we will do and what impedes us
CASE Tools versus Pencil and Paper - A Student's Perspective on Modeling Software Design
Mastering model-driven engineering
Comparing and Contrasting Model-Driven Engineering at Three Large Companies
How MAD are we? Empirical Evidence for Model-driven Agile Development.
Translating Platform-Independent Code into Natural Language Texts
Extending Agile Practices in Automotive MDE
Enabling Interface Validation through Text Generation
Opportunities for Agile Documentation Using Natural Language Generation
Industrial Adoption of Model-Driven Engineering: Are the Tools Really the Problem?
Pair Lecturing Model-Driven Software Development
Pair lecturing to model modeling and encourage active learning
Pair Lecturing - Catching that teachable moment
An Evaluation of Post-processing Google Translations with Microsoft® Word
Industrial Experiences from Multi-Paradigmatic Modelling of Signal Processing
Pair lecturing to enhance reflective practice and teacher development
Limits of Model Transformations for Embedded Software
Three Studies on Model Transformations - Parsing, Generation and Ease of Use
Natural Language Generation from Class Diagrams
Assessing individuals in team projects: A case study from computer science
Students’ and Teachers’ Views on Fair Grades - Is it Possible to Reach a Shared Understanding?
Executable and Translatable UML - How Difficult Can It Be?
Software illustrating a unified approach to multimodality and multilinguality in the in-home domain
Integrating multiple modalities into SLMs and parsing the output of SLMs
Parsing linear context-free rewriting systems
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