Carlos Benitez-Martin

Showing 11 publications


Click and shift: the effect of triazole on solvatochromic dyes

Jean Rouillon, Carlos Benitez-Martin, Morten Grötli et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Design and application of a fluorescent probe for imaging of endogenous Bruton's tyrosine kinase with preserved enzymatic activity

Anna P. Valaka, Hampus Nyström, Liliana Håversen et al
RSC Chemical Biology. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Photoswitchable optoelectronic properties of 2D MoSe2/diarylethene hybrid structures

Sewon Park, Jaehoon Ji, Connor Cunningham et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

All-photonic kinase inhibitors: light-controlled release-and-report inhibition

Cassandra Fleming, Carlos Benitez-Martin, Elin Bernson et al
Chemical Science. Vol. 15 (18), p. 6897-6905
Journal article

Isomerization dynamics of a novel cis/trans-only merocyanine

Nadine Blaise, James A. Green, Carlos Benitez-Martin et al
ChemPhotoChem. Vol. 8 (3)
Journal article

Layer-number-dependent photoswitchability in 2D MoS<inf>2</inf>-diarylethene hybrids

Sewon Park, Jaehoon Ji, Srajan Pillai et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 17 (6), p. 3152-3159
Journal article

Fluorescent Molecular Photoswitches for the Generation of All-Optical Encryption Keys

Carlos Benitez-Martin, Jean Rouillon, Morten Grötli et al
ChemPhotoChem. Vol. 7 (12)
Journal article

Multiphoton characterization and live cell imaging using fluorescent adenine analogue 2CNqA

Jesper Nilsson, Carlos Benitez-Martin, Henry G. G. Sansom et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 25 (30), p. 20218-20224
Journal article

Highly Efficient Photoninitiators Based on 4H-Pyranylidene Derivatives for Two-Photon Laser Printing

Raquel Royo, Philipp Mainik, Carlos Benitez-Martin et al
Advanced Materials Technologies. Vol. 8 (23)
Journal article

Rapid amplitude-modulation of a diarylethene photoswitch: en route to contrast-enhanced fluorescence imaging

Gaowa Naren, Wera Larsson, Carlos Benitez-Martin et al
Chemical Science. Vol. 12 (20), p. 7073-7078
Journal article

Toward Two-Photon Absorbing Dyes with Unusually Potentiated Nonlinear Fluorescence Response

Carlos Benitez-Martin, Shiming Li, Antonio Dominguez-Alfaro et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 142 (35), p. 14854-14858
Journal article

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