Carlos Benitez-Martin
Visar 9 publikationer
All-photonic kinase inhibitors: light-controlled release-and-report inhibition
Photoswitchable optoelectronic properties of 2D MoSe2/diarylethene hybrid structures
Layer-number-dependent photoswitchability in 2D MoS<inf>2</inf>-diarylethene hybrids
Isomerization dynamics of a novel cis/trans-only merocyanine
Fluorescent Molecular Photoswitches for the Generation of All-Optical Encryption Keys
Highly Efficient Photoninitiators Based on 4H-Pyranylidene Derivatives for Two-Photon Laser Printing
Multiphoton characterization and live cell imaging using fluorescent adenine analogue 2CNqA
Toward Two-Photon Absorbing Dyes with Unusually Potentiated Nonlinear Fluorescence Response
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