Kin Cheong Sou
Showing 15 publications
Radio Resource Management for D2D-based V2V Communication
An Introduction to Continuous Optimization, 3rd edition
Secure Control Systems A Quantitative Risk Management Approach
Minimum equivalent precedence relation systems
D2D-based V2V Communications with Latency and Reliability Constraints
Data Attack Isolation in Power Networks Using Secure Voltage Magnitude Measurements
Efficient Computations of a Security Index for False Data Attacks in Power Networks
A graph-theoretic approach on optimizing informed-node selection in multi-agent tracking control
Quantifying Cyber-Security for Networked Control Systems
On the Exact Solution to a Smart Grid Cyber-Security Analysis Problem
Energy and CO2 Efficient Scheduling of Smart Home Appliances
Parametrized model reduction based on semidefinite programming
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