Lin Chen
Showing 20 publications
Surface steps dominate the water formation on Pd(111) surfaces
On the Reaction Mechanism of Direct H<inf>2</inf>O<inf>2</inf>Formation over Pd Catalysts
A Complete Multisite Reaction Mechanism for Low-Temperature NH3-SCR over Cu-CHA
A comparative test of different density functionals for calculations of NH3-SCR over Cu-Chabazite
Interpretation of NH 3 -TPD Profiles from Cu-CHA Using First-Principles Calculations
On the reaction mechanism for selective catalytic reduction of NOx by NH3 over Cu-zeolites
Effect of Al-distribution on oxygen activation over Cu-CHA
Activation of oxygen on (NH3–Cu–NH3)+ in NH3-SCR over Cu-CHA
Monte Carlo Potential Energy Sampling for Molecular Entropy in Zeolites
Copper mobility in zeolite-based SCR catalysts
Mobility of copper in zeolite-based SCR catalysts
On the Character of Active Sites in Copper Exchanged Zeolites during NH3-SCR
Mechanism for Solid-State Ion-Exchange of Cu+ into Zeolites
Solid-state ion exchange in small pore zeolites – A density functional theory study
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