Elof Köhler

Showing 28 publications


Simulated and measured piezoelectric energy harvesting of dynamic load in tires

L. G.H. Staaf, Simon Matsson, Sobhan Sepheri et al
Heliyon. Vol. 10 (7)
Journal article

Metal thermoelectric harvester for wireless sensors

Elof Köhler, Torbjörn Nilsson, Peter Enoksson
Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 29 (8)
Journal article

MEMS meander harvester with tungsten proof-mass

Elof Köhler, Pontus Johannisson, D. Kolev et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1407 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Impact of designed asymmetries on the effective bandwidth of a backfolded piezoelectric energy harvester

Elof Köhler, Henrik Staaf, Anderson David Smith et al
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. Vol. 292, p. 77-89
Journal article

Metal-Metal Thermoelectric Harvester

Elof Köhler, Peter Enoksson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1407 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Achieving increased bandwidth for 4 degree of freedom self-tuning energy harvester

Henrik Staaf, Anderson David Smith, Elof Köhler et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 420, p. 165-173
Journal article

Verification of Self-Tuning 4DOF Piezoelectric Energy Harvester with Enhanced Bandwidth

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, Anderson David Smith et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1052 (To be published in Journal of Physics Conference S)
Paper in proceeding

Thermal influence on the electrochemical behavior of a supercapacitor containing an ionic liquid electrolyte

Mohammad Mazharul Haque, Qi Li, Anderson David Smith et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 263, p. 249-260
Journal article

Smart design piezoelectric energy harvester with self-Tuning

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, Peter Folkow et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 922 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Nanocomposite materials for miniaturized supercapacitors

Qi Li, Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Mohammad Mazharul Haque et al
International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems 2017, SSI 2017, Cork, Ireland, 8-9 March 2017, p. 199-205
Paper in proceeding

Selftuning energy harvester by sliding weight

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, Peter Folkow et al
Svenska Mekanikdagarna 2017, 12-13 juni, Uppsala, Sverige
Paper in proceeding

Miniaturized Supercapacitors for Smart Systems

Qi Li, Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Mohammad Mazharul Haque et al
Smart Systems Integeration 2017, 8 - 9 March, Cork, Ireland
Paper in proceeding

Rapid manufacturing of OSTE polymer RF-MEMS components

Sofia Rahiminejad, J. Hansson, Elof Köhler et al
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), p. 901-904
Paper in proceeding

Direct 3D printed shadow mask on Silicon

Sofia Rahiminejad, Elof Köhler, Peter Enoksson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 757 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Proof of concept thermoelectric energy harvester powering wireless sensor on gas turbine

Elof Köhler, Henrik Staaf, J. Kemp et al
EVI-GTI and PIWG Joint Conference on Gas Turbine Instrumentation, Berlin, Germany, 27-29 September 2016. Vol. 2016 (CP693)
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of 3D printed materials used to print WR10 horn antennas

Elof Köhler, Sofia Rahiminejad, Peter Enoksson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 757 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Piezoelectric energy harvesting as energy source for autonomous intelligent wireless systems on gas turbines

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, J. Kemp et al
EVI-GTI and PIWG Joint Conference on Gas Turbine Instrumentation, Berlin, Germany, 27-29 September 2016. Vol. 2016 (CP693)
Paper in proceeding

MEMS Based Micro Aerial Vehicles

N. Joshi, Elof Köhler, Peter Enoksson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 757 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Supercapacitor with increased capacitance at 200°C

Elof Köhler, Henrik Staaf, Peter Enoksson
IET Conference Publications. EVI-GTI and PIWG Joint Conference on Gas Turbine Instrumentation; Berlin; Germany; 27-29 September 2016. Vol. 2016 (CP693)
Paper in proceeding

Smart design selftuning piezoelectric energy harvester intended for gas turbines

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, Manuel Soeiro et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 660 (Article number: 012125)
Paper in proceeding

Simulation and experimental demonstration of improved efficiency in coupled piezoelectric cantilevers by extended strain distribution

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, D. Parthasarathy et al
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical. Vol. 229, p. 136-140
Journal article

Modelling and experimental verification of more efficient power harvesting by coupled piezoelectric cantilevers

Henrik Staaf, Elof Köhler, D. Parthasarathy et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 557 (1)
Paper in proceeding

High temperature energy harvester for wireless sensors

Elof Köhler, Richard Heijl, Henrik Staaf et al
Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 23 (9), p. Art. no. 095042-
Journal article

Analytic modeling of a high temperature thermoelectric module for wireless sensors

Elof Köhler, Henrik Staaf, Anders Palmqvist et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 557 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of a Novel Bridge MEMS-PZT Energy Harvester for Tire Pressure System

Edoardo Trabaldo, Elof Köhler, Henrik Staaf et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 557 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Fabrication of High Temperature Thermoelectric Energy Harvesters for Wireless Sensors

Elof Köhler, Richard Heijl, Henrik Staaf et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 476 (1), p. Art. no. 012036-
Paper in proceeding

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