Thomas Emanuelsson
Showing 29 publications
A Varactor-Based Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Concept for 5G/6G mm-Wave Applications
A 16 × 16 45° Slant-Polarized Gapwaveguide Phased Array With 65-dBm EIRP at 28 GHz
A UWB Millimeter-Wave Dual-polarized Large-Scanning Array Antenna for Mobile Handset
Monopulse Feeding Network Based on New Gap Waveguide Planar Magic-Tees
Power Efficiency and Linearity of Highly Integrated Transmitting Array Antennas
Micro strip to Ridge Gap Waveguide Transition for 28 GHz Steerable Slot Array Antennas
A Bandwidth-Enhanced Cavity-Backed Slot Array Antenna for mmWave Fixed-Beam Applications
Antenna Mutual Coupling Effects in Highly Integrated Transmitter Arrays
A Directly Matched PA-Integrated K-band Antenna for Efficient mm-Wave High-Power Generation
Wideband Cavity-Backed Slot Subarray Fed by Gap Ridge Waveguide for 5G mmWave Base Station
A Ka-Band Active Integrated Antenna for 5G Applications: Initial Design Flow
Millimeter wave high gain antenna based on gap waveguide technology
Towards Integrated Active Antennas for 5G mm-wave Applications at Gapwaves
Gap waveguide based 1-D steerable beam antenna concept for millimeter-wave 5G application
Analysis of a MEMS Tuned Cavity Oscillator on X-Band
Does LO Noise Floor Limit Performance in Multi-Gigabit Millimeter-Wave Communication?
RF-MEMS Tuned GaN HEMT based Cavity Oscillator for X-band
An X-band varactor-tuned cavity oscillator
Phase-Noise Analysis of an X-Band Ultra-Low Phase-Noise GaN HEMT Based Cavity Oscillator
Efficient and Wideband Power Amplifiers for Wireless Infrastructure Applications
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Showing 2 research projects
Antenna technologies for beyond 5G Wireless Communication