Rikard Eklund

Doctoral Student at Design & Human Factors

Rikard Eklunds main focus is on the design of human-machine interface for automation within the aviation domain and where the focal point is on the pilots work environment. Perception, cognition, decision making as well as the interaction between pilots in the multi-crew system are a few keywords. Many years of experience as a commercial pilot and flight instructor, combined with a degree in behavioural science makes it possible for Rikard to relate to complex human-machine systems. Rikard is also engaged as an advisor within the EU-project SESAR Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research) led by Eurocontrol.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Rikard Eklund

Showing 9 publications


Evaluation of eye-tracking as support in simulator training for maritime pilots

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Rikard Eklund, Charlott Sellberg et al
Report - The Swedish Transport Administration

Assessing non-technical methods for transferring tacit knowledge in safety-critical systems: a study on maritime pilot training

Rikard Eklund, Anna-Lisa Osvalder
INTED 2022 Proceedings . Vol. V-224-2022, p. 9908-9914
Paper in proceeding

Transferring Tacit Knowledge During Maritime Pilot Training: Assessment of Methods in Use

Rikard Eklund, Anna-Lisa Osvalder
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International. Vol. 60, p. 665-674
Paper in proceeding

Optimising aircraft taxi speed: Design and evaluation of new means to present information on a head-up display

Rikard Eklund, Anna-Lisa Osvalder
Journal of Navigation. Vol. 74 (6), p. 1305-1335
Journal article

From tacit knowledge to visual expertise: Eye-tracking support in maritime education and training

Rikard Eklund, Charlott Sellberg, Anna-Lisa Osvalder
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 1211, p. 269-275
Paper in proceeding

On the Design of a Head Up Display Solution to Facilitate Time-controlled Aircraft Taxi-operations

Rikard Eklund, Anna-Lisa Osvalder
NES2012, the 44th Annual International Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society Conference, 19-22 August, 2012, Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, Sweden
Other conference contribution

A Human Factors Assessment of Mixed-mode Air Traffic Arrival and Approach Procedures

Deborah Louise Rushton, Rikard Eklund, Henrik Ekstrand
Proceedings of the Swedish Human Factors Network (HFN) Conference, Linköping, Sweden, November 24-25, 2011.
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Utvärdering av eye-tracking som utbildningsstöd vid simulatorförlagd lotsutbildning

Anna-Lisa Osvalder Design and Human Factors
Rikard Eklund Design & Human Factors
Swedish Transport Administration

3 publications exist
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