Esko Lehtonen

Showing 7 publications


L3Pilot Deliverable: Pilot evaluation results

Hendrik Weber, Johannes Hiller, Barbara Metz et al

A computational driver model to predict driver control at unsignalised intersections

Christian-Nils Åkerberg Boda, Esko Lehtonen, Marco Dozza
IEEE Access. Vol. 8, p. 104619-104631
Journal article

How Do Drivers Respond to Silent Automation Failures? Driving Simulator Study and Comparison of Computational Driver Braking Models

Giulio Bianchi Piccinini, Esko Lehtonen, Fabio Forcolin et al
Human Factors. Vol. 62 (7), p. 1212-1229
Journal article

Characterisation of Motorway Driving Style Using Naturalistic Driving Data

Teemu Itkonen, Esko Lehtonen, Selpi Selpi
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 69, p. 72-79
Journal article

Hazard perception test development for Lithuanian drivers

Vaida Tuske, Laura Seibokaite, Aukse Endriulaitiene et al
IATSS Research. Vol. 43 (2), p. 108-113
Journal article

Gaze doesn't always lead steering

Esko Lehtonen, Otto Lappi, Noora Koskiahde et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 121, p. 268-278
Journal article

Where do people direct their attention while cycling? A comparison of adults and children

M. C. Melin, E. Peltomaa, L. Schildt et al
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 58, p. 292-301
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Driver models for automated driving

Marco Dozza Vehicle Safety
Esko Lehtonen Vehicle Safety


Quantitative Driver Behaviour Modelling for Active Safety Assessment Expansion (QUADRAE)

Robert Thomson Vehicle Safety
Giulio Bianchi Piccinini Accident Prevention
Marco Dozza Accident Prevention
Jonas Bärgman Accident Prevention
Esko Lehtonen Vehicle Safety
Thomas Streubel Vehicle Safety

7 publications exist
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