Jens Kabo

Senior Lecturer at Engineering Education Research

Jens main area is teaching and learning in higher education, where he teaches and develops courses for staff, coordinates Chalmers’s corresponding course package and diploma, and provides advice and guidance to both individual staff and entities such as the Faculty Appointment Committee. In addition, Jens has had a long involvement with Chalmers’s upper secondary STEM teacher programme.

Jens’s research has explored students’ conceptions of concepts such as engineering, social justice, sustainability, and technology and now focuses on aspects of online and digitalised engineering education.

Image of Jens Kabo

Showing 23 publications


Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education – A Literature Review

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Strömberg Jämsvi et al
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. Vol. 23 (6), p. 55-68
Journal article

Evolving professional development in nuclear reactor physics and safety through hybrid learning environments

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Stromberg Jamsvi et al
Book of All Abstracts and Papers, p. 202-204
Paper in proceeding

Online and Blended Labs for Practical Mechanical Engineering

Christian Stöhr, Shahram Sheihki, Robert Langer et al
Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference, p. 805-819
Paper in proceeding

Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Strömberg Jämsvi et al
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2022-October, p. 1-9
Paper in proceeding

Engineering Students' Conceptualizations of Sustainability

Jens Kabo, Dean Nieusma, Caroline Baillie
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2020-October
Paper in proceeding

Utmaningar och möjligheter med att utbilda ingenjörer med nya alternativa och kompletterande kompetenser

Jens Kabo, Malin Kjellberg, Samuel Bengmark et al
Proceedings för 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Uppsala universitet, 18 – 19 november 2015, p. 10-12
Other conference contribution

Don't Fear the Engineer: Social Science Students Exploring a Liminal Space with Engineering Students

Jens Kabo, Caroline Baillie
Proceedings of the National Academy’s Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference [E-publication], p. 175-
Other conference contribution

Naturvetenskapligt och tekniskt lärande: Samordning av ämnesdidaktik för tre ämnen

Jens Kabo, Tom Adawi, Marcus Gustafsson et al
Presenterat vid Nationell ämnesdidaktisk konferens NÄD2014. 9-11 april 2014. Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg.
Other conference contribution

Heterotopia: Alternative pathways to social justice

Caroline Baillie, Jens Kabo, John Reader

Editor's Introduction

Jens Kabo
International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace. Vol. 2 (1), p. 1-2
Magazine article

Exploring threshold concepts and liminal spaces using phenomenography: Engineering students’ conceptions of technology as an example

Tom Adawi, Jens Kabo
Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference and the 6th NAIRTL Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 27-29 June 2012
Paper in proceeding

Technical-Social Integration in Engineering Education: Comparing Accreditation Requirements in Australia, China, Sweden, and the United States

Xiaofeng Tang, Dean Nieusma, Jens Kabo et al
Presented at 5th Annual Symposium on Engineering & Liberal Education. June 1-3, 2012. Union College, Schenectady, NY.
Conference poster

Editors' Introduction

Dean Nieusma, Donna Riley, Jens Kabo et al
International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace. Vol. 1 (1), p. 1-6
Magazine article

Visions of Social Competence: Comparing Engineering Education Accreditation in Australia, China, Sweden, and the United States

Jens Kabo, Xiaofeng Tang, Dean Nieusma et al
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Whose project is it anyway? The case of Waste for Life, Argentina

Caroline Baillie, Eric Feinblatt, Jens Kabo
Exploring Cultural Dynamics and Tensions within Service-Learning, p. 337-353
Book chapter

“A sufficiently complex construction” and other conceptions of technology held by engineering students: A case study from Sweden

Jens Kabo, Tom Adawi
Proceedings of The 22nd Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 5–7 December 2011, Fremantle, Western Australia, p. 286 - 291
Paper in proceeding

How do engineering physics students view the relation between science and technology?

Jens Kabo, Tom Adawi
Proceedings of 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS TEACHING IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Physics for Engineers – Soft Skill or Core Competency?, 21-23 September 2011, Mannheim, Germany
Paper in proceeding

Engineering and Social Justice: Negotiating the spectrum of liminality

Jens Kabo, Caroline Baillie
Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning, p. 303-315
Book chapter

Seeing through the lens of social justice: a threshold for engineering

Jens Kabo, Caroline Baillie
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 34 (4), p. 315-323
Journal article

Engineering and Social Justice: How to help students cross the threshold

Jens Kabo, Richard J. F Day, Caroline Baillie
Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Vol. 4 (2), p. 126-146
Journal article

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