Bengt-Erik Mellander

Showing 120 publications
Highly Crystalline and Stoichiometric Growth of CdTe by Cost-Effective Hydrothermal Technique
Investigation of electrodeposited CdTe thin films for solar cell development
Novel photo-voltaic device based on Bi_{1−x}La_xFeO_3 perovskite films with higher efficiency
Solar Module Using Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Plasmonic effects of quantum size metal nanoparticles on dye-sensitized solar cell
High efficient dye sensitized solar cells using phthaloylchitosan based gel polymer electrolytes
Perovskite solar cells using polymer electrolytes
Toxic fluoride gas emissions from lithium-ion battery fires
Are electric vehicles safer than combustion engine vehicles?
Current trends and future challenges of electrolytes for sodium-ion batteries
Safer battery systems in electrified vehicles – an electrified bus perspective
Gas emissions from Lithium-ion battery cells undergoing abuse from external fire
Thermal modeling of fire propagation in lithium-ion batteries
Modelling of thermal events in Lithium-ion batteries
Är elektriska fordon säkrare än fordon med förbränningsmotorer?
Efficiency of 10 % for quasi-solid state dye-sensitized solar cells under low light irradiance
Characteristics of lithium-ion batteries during fire tests
Quasi solid state polymer electrolyte with binary iodide salts for photo-electrochemical solar cells
Abuse by External Heating, Overcharge and Short Circuiting of Commercial Lithium-Ion Battery Cells
Fordonskomponenter och konfigurationer
Phthaloylchitosan-Based Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Battery Aspects on Fires in Electrified Vehicles
Fire Spread due to Thermal Runaway in a Lithium-ion Battery Cell
Are electric vehicles safer than combustion engine vehicles?
Vehicle components and configurations
Co-sintering of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells made by Aqueous Tape Casting
Energy storage system safety in electrified vehicles
Annealing protocols for pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide type ionic liquids
Dye sensitized solar cells with poly(acrylonitrile) based plasticized electrolyte containing Mgl(2)
Dielectric and thermal properties of ionic liquids for lithium-ion battery electrolytes
Dye-sensitized, nano-porous TiO2 solar cell with poly(acrylonitrile): MgI2 plasticized electrolyte
Concentration dependence of ionic relaxation in lithium doped polymer electrolytes
SDC-LiNa carbonate composite and nanocomposite electrolytes
Polyethyleneoxide (PEO)-based, anion conducting solid polymer electrolyte for PEC solar cells
Conductivity of alkali perchlorates at high temperatures
More studies on the PVOH-LiH2PO4 polymer system
Co-doping effect of Fe2O3 on the ionic transport of Na2SO4
Electrical conductivity relaxation in PVOH-LiClO4-Al2O3
Electrolysis studies based on ceria-based composites
Phase behaviour of the solid proton conductor CsHSO4
Dielectric relaxation in NH4HSO4 above room temperature
Dielectric relaxation studies in Cs2SO4
Impedance spectroscopy studies of KHSO4 above room temperature
On the high-temperature phase transitions of NH4HSO4
Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells for solar energy systems
Impedance spectroscopy studies of K2SO4 in the intermediate temperature regime
Electrolysis studies based on ceria-based composite low temperature ceramic fuel cells
Fluoride-based electrolytes and their applications for intermediate temperature ceramic fuel cells
Correlated ion diffusion in γ-Ag0.7Cu0.3I
Dielectric relaxation in Li2SO4 in the intermediate-temperature regime
Ceria-Based Electrolytes for Intermediate Temperature SOFCs - Electric and Dielectric Properties
Dielectric relaxation of KH2PO4 above room temperature
Effect of dispersed Al2O3 on the phase transitions and ionic conductivity of KHSO4
Dielectric relaxation in single crystal NH4H2PO4 in the high-temperature regime
Resolving distribution of relaxation times in poly(propylene glycol)
Proton-conducting zirconium phosphate/poly(vinyl acetate)/glycerine gel electrolytes
Macro- and microscopic properties of nonaqueous proton conducting membranes based on PAN.
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