Sead Canovic

Showing 25 publications


Comparing depth profiling of oxide scale on SOFC interconnect-materials using ToF-SIMS with Ga-69(+), Bi-3(+)/Cs+ and C-60(+)/C-60(2+) as primary and sputter ions

Josefin Hall, U. Bexell, John Fletcher et al
Materials at High Temperatures. Vol. 32 (1-2), p. 133-141
Journal article

The Oxide Scales Formed on a Dispersion-Strengthened Powder Metallurgical FeCrAl Alloy at 900 A degrees C in O-2 and in O-2 + H2O

Kristina M Hellström, Niklas Israelsson, Mats Halvarsson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 84 (1-2), p. 1-19
Journal article

Oxidation of a Dispersion-Strengthened Powder Metallurgical FeCrAl Alloy in the Presence of O2 at 1,100°C: The Influence of Water Vapour

Kristina M Hellström, Niklas Israelsson, Nooshin Mortazavi Seyedeh et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 83 (5-6), p. 533-558
Journal article

Oxidation of Co- and Ce-nanocoated FeCr steels: A microstructural investigation

Sead Canovic, Jan Froitzheim, Rakshith Nugehalli Sachitanand et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 215, p. 62-74
Journal article

Oxidation behavior of a Mo(Si,Al)2 composite at 900–1600 C in dry air

Linda Ingemarsson, Kristina M Hellström, Sead Canovic et al
Journal of Materials Science. Vol. 48 (4), p. 1511-1523
Journal article

Oxidation Behaviour of Sanicro 25 (42Fe22Cr25NiWCuNbN) in O-2/H2O Mixture at 600 degrees C

Luciana Intiso, Lars-Gunnar Johansson, Sead Canovic et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 77 (5-6), p. 209-235
Journal article

Long term study of Cr evaporation and high temperature corrosion behaviour of Co coated ferritic steel for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects

Jan Froitzheim, Sead Canovic, Maria Nikumaa et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 220, p. 217-227
Journal article

CVD TiC/alumina multilayer coatings grown on sapphire single crystals

Sead Canovic, Björn Ljungberg, Mats Halvarsson
Micron. Vol. 42 (8), p. 808-818
Journal article

CVD TiC/alumina and TiN/alumina multilayer coatings grown on sapphire single crystals

Sead Canovic, B. Ljungberg, C. Bjormander et al
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. Vol. 28 (2), p. 163-173
Journal article

Alumina scale formation on a powder metallurgical FeCrAl alloy (Kanthal APMT) at 900-1100°C in dry O2 and in O2 + H2O

Josefin Engkvist, Sead Canovic, Kristina M Hellström et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 73 (1), p. 233-253
Journal article

Microstructural Investigation of the Initial Oxidation of the FeCrAlRE Alloy Kanthal AF in Dry and Wet O-2 at 600 and 800 degrees C

Sead Canovic, Josefin Engkvist, Fang Liu et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 157 (6), p. C223-C230
Journal article

Oxidation of FeCrAl foils at 500-900 degrees C in dry O-2 and O-2 with 40% H2O

Josefin Engkvist, Sead Canovic, Fang Liu et al
Materials at High Temperatures. Vol. 26 (2), p. 199-210
Journal article

Cyclic oxidation of two FeCrAlRE foils at 1100 oC - The influence of the concentration of minor alloying elements on scale microstructure

Fang Liu, Helena Götlind, Sead Canovic et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 595-598, p. 707-716
Paper in proceeding

Grain contrast imaging in FIB and SEM

Sead Canovic, Torbjörn Jonsson, Mats Halvarsson
Institute of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 126 (012054)
Paper in proceeding

TEM Investigation of Alpha Alumina Films Deposited at Low Temperature

Andy N. Cloud, Sead Canovic, H. H. Abu-Safe et al
Surface Coatings and Technology. Vol. 203, p. 808-811
Journal article

Thin foil analysis in the SEM

Mats Halvarsson, Torbjörn Jonsson, Sead Canovic
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 126, p. 4-
Journal article

Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis of alumina coating by alternate-current inverted magnetron-sputtering technique

Aditya Aryasomayajula, Sead Canovic, Deepak Bhat et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 516, p. 397-401
Journal article

TEM and DFT investigation of CVD TiN/κ–Al2O3 multilayer coatings

Sead Canovic, Sakari Ruppi, Jochen Rohrer et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 202 (3), p. 522-531
Journal article

Influence of H2O(g) on the Oxide Microstructure of the Stainless Steel 353MA at 900°C in Oxygen.

Torbjörn Jonsson, Fang Liu, Sead Canovic et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 154 (11), p. C603-C610
Journal article

Microstructural Investigation of Protective and Non-Protective Oxides on 11% Chromium Steel

Fang Liu, Jun Eu Tang, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 66 (5-6), p. 295-319
Journal article

Microstructural investigation of chips formed during metal cutting

Sead Canovic, Torbjörn Jonsson, Sakari Ruppi et al
The 16th International Microscopy Congress (IMC16), September 3-8, 2006, Sapporo, Japan, H. Ichinose and T. Sasaki (eds)
Paper in proceeding

High resolution chemical analysis in SEM

Torbjörn Jonsson, Sead Canovic, Fang Liu et al
The 16th International Microscopy Congress (IMC16), September 3-8, 2006, Sapporo, Japan, H. Ichinose and T. Sasaki (eds), page 892
Paper in proceeding

Microstructural investigation of the effect of water vapour on the oxidation of alloy 353 MA in oxygen at 700 and 900ºC

Torbjörn Jonsson, Sead Canovic, Fang Liu et al
Materials at High Temperature. Vol. 22 (3-4), p. 231-243
Journal article

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