Olle Lindmark

Lecturer at Maritime Studies

Olle lindmark is lecturer within the division Cargo and Maritime Management at the department of Shipping and Marine Technology. His main subjects are Cargo Handling and Ship Stability. Olle is also director of the master’s programme Maritime management and are manager of the Cargo Operations Studio. Furthermore he is engaged in the pedagogical development of the use of simulator in education and training. This includes experience exchange and networking with simulator user from different domains.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 6 publications


Certifying Navigational Skills: A Video-based Study on Assessments in Simulated Environments

Charlott Sellberg, Olle Lindmark, Mona Lundin
TransNav. Vol. 13 (4), p. 881-886
Journal article

Opportunities and challenges for seafarers in higher education: A comparative study of the German and the Swedish system

Nicolas Nause, Olle Lindmark, Peter John et al
20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly, AGA 2019 - Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities Conference, IAMUC 2019, p. 249-258
Paper in proceeding

Learning to navigate: the centrality of instructions and assessments for developing students' professional competencies in simulator-based training

Charlott Sellberg, Olle Lindmark, Hans Rystedt
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. Vol. 17 (2), p. 249-265
Journal article

Training skills and assessing performance in simulator-based learning environments

Charlott Sellberg, Olle Lindmark, Hans Rystedt
18th Annual General Assembly of the International Association of Maritime Universities - Global Perspectives in MET: Towards Sustainable, Green and Integrated Maritime Transport, IAMU 2017. Vol. 1, p. 8-18
Paper in proceeding

Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i simulatormiljö

Charlott Sellberg, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall et al
Chalmers annual Conference on Teaching and Learning (KUL2014)
Other conference contribution

Träning och bedömning av professionellt agerande i simulatormiljö

Charlott Sellberg, Hans Rystedt, Oskar Lindwall et al
Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2013)
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


Assessment of professional performance: Maritime technologies, knowledge and educational practices in transformation

Charlotte Sellberg Maritime Studies
Olle Lindmark Maritime Studies

3 publications exist
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