Fernando Seoane Martinez
Showing 39 publications
Intarsia-sensorized band and textrodes for real-time myoelectric pattern recognition
Development and preliminary evaluation of an Android based heart rate variability biofeedback system
Training Teachers In E-Learning Without Internet Access
Cole Parameter Estimation from Electrical Bioconductance Spectroscopy Measurements.
Soft Textile Electrodes for EEG Monitoring
AD5933-based Spectrometer for Electrical Bioimpedance Applications
Comparison of Dry-Textile Electrodes for Electrical Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Measurements
Home e-health system integration in the smart home through a common media server
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring
Current Source Design for Electrical Biompedance Spectroscopy
A Novel Approach for Estimation of Electrical Bioimpedance: Total Least Square
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring: Fundamental Steps towards Clinical Application
The Transcephalic Electrical Impedance Method. Principles for Brain Tissue State Monitoring
Enhancement of a Voltage Controlled Current Source for Wideband Electrical Bioimpedance Spectroscopy
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring: Effects of Hypoxia
Electrical Bioimpedance Cerebral Monitoring
Evolution of Cerebral Bioelectrical Resistance at Various Frequencies During Hypoxia in Fetal Sheep
Brain Electrical Impedance at Different Frequencies: The Effect of Hypoxia
Bioelectrical Impedance During Hypoxic Cell Swelling: Modelling of Tissue as a Suspension of Cells
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