Christian Gadolin

Showing 9 publications


Barriers and enablers of coordination across healthcare system levels

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson
Journal of Public Affairs. Vol. 23
Journal article

Value Propositions in Public Collaborations: Regaining Organizational Focus Through Value Configurations

Andreas Hellström, Erik Eriksson, Thomas Andersson et al
British Journal of Management. Vol. 33 (4), p. 270-285
Journal article

Public management in turbulent times: COVID‐19 as an ecosystem disruptor

Erik Eriksson, Christian Gadolin, Göran Lindahl et al
Australian Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 80 (4), p. 732-747
Journal article

Coordination of paediatric oncology care: an explorative Swedish case study

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson, Patrik Alexandersson
Journal of Integrated Care. Vol. 30 (5), p. 27-36
Journal article

Providing healthcare through “value shops”: impact on professional fulfilment for physicians and nurses

Christian Gadolin, Thomas Andersson, Erik Eriksson et al
International Journal of Health Governance. Vol. 25 (2), p. 127-136
Journal article

Collaborative Public Management: Coordinated Value Propositions among Public Service Organisations

Erik Eriksson, Thomas Andersson, Andreas Hellström et al
Public Management Review. Vol. 22 (6), p. 791-812
Journal article

Post-New Public Management in Public Healthcare: Recycled, Hybridized, Paradigmatic?

Erik Eriksson, Andreas Hellström, Thomas Andersson et al
British Academy of Management (BAM) 2019 Conference
Paper in proceeding

One-size fits-all-lösningar fungerar sällan i vården

Erik Eriksson, Christian Gadolin
Dagens medicin
Newspaper article

Därför avstår forskarna från offentlig debatt

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson
Göteborgs-Posten (GP), p. 5-6
Newspaper article

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Showing 1 research projects


Healthcare transformation in Region Västra Götaland

Patrik Alexandersson Project and Centre Management
Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Erik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics
Christian Gadolin Service Management and Logistics
Thomas Andersson Service Management and Logistics
Region Västra Götaland

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