Georgios Diapoulis

Senior Lecturer at Interaction Design and Software Engineering

I am teaching courses and topics related to makerspace prototyping, tangible interaction, sound design and creative coding among others. My research focuses on musical interaction design, live coding and tangible interaction.

I am teaching in the Chalmers activity for schools Creative Coding where we teach young girls to make music using computer programming.

I serve as a board member for the Nordic Summer University (NSU), an organization defending academic freedom, and I am elected board member for 2025 by the NSU General Assembly.

Image of Georgios Diapoulis

Showing 16 publications


Teaching Strudel to young girls: Realizing live coding through performance practice

Georgios Diapoulis
8th International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC2024)
Paper in proceeding

A Shift in Artistic Practices through Artificial Intelligence

Kivanc Tatar, Petter Ericson, Kelsey Cotton et al
Leonardo. Vol. 57 (3), p. 293-297
Journal article

Liveness and machine listening in musical live coding: A conceptual framework for designing agent-based systems

Georgios Diapoulis
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on AI Music (AIMC 2023)
Paper in proceeding

Musical Live Coding in Relation to Interactivity Variations

Georgios Diapoulis
Organised Sound. Vol. 28
Journal article

Reproducible Musical Analysis of Live Coding Performances Using Information Retrieval: A Case Study on the Algorave 10th Anniversary

Georgios Diapoulis, Martin Carlé
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC 2023)
Paper in proceeding

Bottom-up live coding: Analysis of continuous interactions towards predicting programming behaviours

Georgios Diapoulis, Ioannis Zannos, Kivanc Tatar et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Vol. 22
Paper in proceeding

Livecode me: Live coding practice and multimodal experience

Georgios Diapoulis
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG)
Paper in proceeding

Continuous gestural interactions in live coding

Georgios Diapoulis
Other conference contribution

The creative act of live coding practice in music performance

Georgios Diapoulis, Palle Dahlstedt
Other conference contribution

A case study on workstation dependent acoustic characterization of open plan offices

Baltazar Briere De La Hosseraye, Georgios Diapoulis, Felix Egner et al

An analytical framework for musical live coding systems based on gestural interactions in performance practices

Georgios Diapoulis, Palle Dahlstedt
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Live Coding (ICLC2021)
Paper in proceeding

Person identification from walking sound on wooden floor

Georgios Diapoulis, Carmen Rosas Perez, Krister Larsson et al
Euronoise 2018, p. 1727-1732
Paper in proceeding

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