Georgios Diapoulis
I am teaching courses and topics related to makerspace prototyping, tangible interaction, sound design and creative coding among others. My research focuses on musical interaction design, live coding and tangible interaction. I am teaching in the Chalmers activity for schools Creative Coding where we teach young girls to make music using computer programming. I serve as a board member for the Nordic Summer University (NSU), an organization defending academic freedom, and I am elected board member for 2025 by the NSU General Assembly.

Showing 16 publications
Teaching Strudel to young girls: Realizing live coding through performance practice
A Shift in Artistic Practices through Artificial Intelligence
Expression in Live Coding: Gestural Interaction for Machine Musicianship
Musical Live Coding in Relation to Interactivity Variations
Bottom-up live coding: Analysis of continuous interactions towards predicting programming behaviours
Livecode me: Live coding practice and multimodal experience
Continuous gestural interactions in live coding
The creative act of live coding practice in music performance
Perceptual and technical aspects of live coding music performance using statistical learning
A case study on workstation dependent acoustic characterization of open plan offices
Primary and secondary aspects of musical gestures in live coding performance
Person identification from walking sound on wooden floor
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