Viney Ghai

Doctor at Engineering Materials

Viney studies methods to orient 2D nanomaterials under the guidance of assoc. Prof. Roland Kádár. Magnetic fields are used to align 2D materials in the desired orientation direction. The developed method is further used to enhance polymer-based composites' thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties. Moreover, his work also focuses on studying the antibacterial properties of the aligned composite. Viney Ghai is working with Vinnova Competence Centre ‘2D material-based technology for industrial applications’ (2D-TECH) to develop the technology which will help in various industrial applications of Graphene and other related 2D nanomaterials.

Key words: Graphene, Carbon nanotubes, low dimensional nanomaterials, Micro-nanomanufacturing, Nanofabrication, Optical absorbers and Rheology

Image of Viney Ghai

Showing 10 publications


Halbach Array Induced Magnetic Field Alignment in Boron Nitride Nanocomposites

Viney Ghai, Ases Akas Mishra, Enling Huang et al
Advanced Science. Vol. 12 (6 )
Journal article

One test to predict them all: Rheological characterization of complex fluids via artificial neural network

Ases Akas Mishra, Viney Ghai, Valentina Matovic et al
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 139
Journal article

Modulation-Assisted Drilling of Inconel-718: Multi-variable Optimization Using Response Surface Method

Malkeet Singh, Sahil Dhiman, Shilpi Chaudhary et al
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Predicting orientation in extruded wood polymer composites

Sajjad Pashazadehgaznagh, Arvindh Seshadri Suresh, Viney Ghai et al
Physics of Fluids. Vol. 36 (9)
Journal article

Orientation of graphene nano sheets in magnetic fields

Viney Ghai, Sajjad Pashazadehgaznagh, Hengzhi Ruan et al
Progress in Materials Science. Vol. 143
Review article

Achieving Long-Range Arbitrary Uniform Alignment of Nanostructures in Magnetic Fields

Viney Ghai, Santosh Pandit, Magnus Svensso et al
Advanced Functional Materials. Vol. 34 (42)
Journal article

Experimental investigation of single spark μ-EDM using electrodes fabricated with μ-turning process

Viney Ghai, Ashwin Rathod, Prabhat Ranjan et al
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences. Vol. 49 (2)
Journal article

Polysaccharide-based antibacterial coating technologies

Hengzhi Ruan, Alexandra Aulova, Viney Ghai et al
Acta Biomaterialia. Vol. 168, p. 42-77
Review article

A Surface Modification Approach to Overcome Wetting Behavior of Gallium-Based Liquid Metal Droplets

Ravinder Kumar, Viney Ghai, Ashish Kumar Sahani
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. Vol. 21, p. 158-162
Journal article

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