Shea Hagy

Artistic Teacher at Building Technology

Shea Hagy is the Project Manager for the HSB Living Lab at Chalmers, an experimental research facility for the testing of sustainable technologies and living practices. The HSB LL will be built on the Chalmers campus in collaboration with HSB, one of Sweden’s largest housing cooperatives. The facility will house approximately 20-30 students. The HSB Living Lab is also part of a larger EU-funded project called the Climate-KIC Building Technology Accelerator Flagship where Shea works within the ’Next Generation Building Envelope Systems’ research group.

Image of Shea Hagy

Showing 17 publications


Lessons learnt from a regional workshop to develop a transformational plan for the built and urban environment to meet the UNSDGs in 2030

Holger Wallbaum, Colin Edward Fudge, Shea Hagy
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Co-designing educational spaces: unveiling opportunities for empowered learnings in post-apartheid secondary school in South Africa

Naïna Dion-Barbin, Shea Hagy, Liane Thuvander
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363
Paper in proceeding

Design Activism in Education: Making Changes to the Architectural Profession through Collaborative and Radical Pedagogy

Emilio Da Cruz Brandao, Marco Adelfio, Liane Thuvander et al
Emerging Perspectives on Teaching Architecture and Urbanism, p. 137-171
Book chapter

Exploring experiential learning and community engagement for socio spatial justice: lessons from an international collaboration

Jason Oberholster, Carin Combrinck, Liane Thuvander et al
Paper in proceeding

Sustainability Assessment of a Wooden Multi-Storey Building Compared with an Equivalent Reinforced Concrete Alternative Using ToSIA: Finnish Perspective

Ashraful Alam, Yutaka Goto, Shea Hagy et al
Journal of Sustainability Research. Vol. 4 (4)
Journal article

Collaborative Pedagogy for Co-creation and Community Outreach: An Experience from Architectural Education in Social Inclusion Using the Miro Tool

Emilio Da Cruz Brandao, Marco Adelfio, Shea Hagy et al
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Vol. 277, p. 118-126
Paper in proceeding

Designing Away Waste: A Comparative Analysis of Urban Reuse and Remanufacture Initiatives

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Oskar Rexfelt, Shea Hagy et al
Recycling. Vol. 4 (2)
Journal article

Fixotek: Implementing and Testing Urban Reuse and Repair Centers in Sweden

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Shea Hagy
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 225 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Centers for Urban Re-manufacture: Lessons from the CURE Pathfinder Project

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Oskar Rexfelt, Paul Mählitz et al
the 3rd PLATE Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2019 Conference Proceedings, p. 577-581
Paper in proceeding

Room for change: Impact of building-level innovations to facilitate product reuse among residents

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Shea Hagy, Frida Bard et al
PLATE conference, Delft University of Technology, 8-10 November 2017
Paper in proceeding

The HSB Living Lab harmonization cube

Angela Sasic Kalagasidis, Shea Hagy, Christian Marx
Informes de la Construccion. Vol. 69 (548), p. 224-12
Journal article

Next Generation Living Labs: Comprehensive Report

Shea Hagy, Frida Bard, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis et al

The Storyline for the design process that shaped the HSB living lab

P. Elfstrand, Greg Morrison, Larry Toups et al
Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living; Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (Eds.), p. 113-129
Book chapter


Shea Hagy, Peter Selberg, Larry Toups et al
Living Labs Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living. Keyson, David V., Guerra-Santin, David V. and Dan Lockton (Eds.)., p. 103-111
Book chapter

Hygrothermal Design of a Prefabricated Wooden Facade Module for School Building Renovation in Sweden

Yutaka Goto, Shea Hagy, Holger Wallbaum
World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016), August 22-25, Vienna (Austria)
Paper in proceeding

Co-creation in living labs

Shea Hagy, Greg Morrison, P. Elfstrand
Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living, p. 169-178
Book chapter

A living lab co-creation environment exemplifying Factor 10 improvements in a city district

Leonardo Rosado, Shea Hagy, Yuliya Kalmykova et al
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal. Vol. 8 (2), p. 171-185
Journal article

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Showing 9 research projects


ReCirculate: creating circular value-chains for climate neutral building materials

Shea Hagy Building Technology
White Arkitekter
earthLAB Studio
Bengt Dahlgren AB
City of Gothenburg
Wingårdh Arkitektkontor AB
Swedish Energy Agency


Sustainable MAterial-Resource & Technology Application of Wood (SMARTA Wood)

Yutaka Goto Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology

1 publication exists

Fixoteket - Neighbourhood mini-recycling and reuse centres

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro Design and Human Factors
Shea Hagy Building Technology
MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Swedish Energy Agency


Smart Office Lab Tegel: Large-scale refurbishment and business model exploration for climate action at Berlin TXL (SOL Tegel)

York Ostermeyer Building Technology
Christian Marx Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology


Next Generation Living Lab (NGLL)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Christian Marx Building Technology
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology

1 publication exists

Mycelium Acoustics

Anita Ollár Architectural theory and methods
Shea Hagy Building Technology
Christian Marx Building Technology
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
HSB Living Lab


Next generation building envelope systems (NextGBES)

Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Building Technology
Yutaka Goto Building Technology
Helen Jansson Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology
Pär Johansson Building Technology


Home Energy Management (HEM)

Melina Forooraghi Building Technology
Ulrike Rahe Design and Human Factors
Anneli Selvefors Design and Human Factors
York Ostermeyer Building Technology
Christian Marx Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology
Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
Paula Femenias Building Design
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

4 publications exist

Renew school

Shea Hagy Building Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
European Commission (EC)

There might be more projects where Shea Hagy participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.