Shea Hagy
Shea Hagy is the Project Manager for the HSB Living Lab at Chalmers, an experimental research facility for the testing of sustainable technologies and living practices. The HSB LL will be built on the Chalmers campus in collaboration with HSB, one of Sweden’s largest housing cooperatives. The facility will house approximately 20-30 students. The HSB Living Lab is also part of a larger EU-funded project called the Climate-KIC Building Technology Accelerator Flagship where Shea works within the ’Next Generation Building Envelope Systems’ research group.

Showing 17 publications
Designing Away Waste: A Comparative Analysis of Urban Reuse and Remanufacture Initiatives
Fixotek: Implementing and Testing Urban Reuse and Repair Centers in Sweden
Centers for Urban Re-manufacture: Lessons from the CURE Pathfinder Project
Room for change: Impact of building-level innovations to facilitate product reuse among residents
The HSB Living Lab harmonization cube
Next Generation Living Labs: Comprehensive Report
The Storyline for the design process that shaped the HSB living lab
Hygrothermal Design of a Prefabricated Wooden Facade Module for School Building Renovation in Sweden
A living lab co-creation environment exemplifying Factor 10 improvements in a city district
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Showing 9 research projects
ReCirculate: creating circular value-chains for climate neutral building materials
Sustainable MAterial-Resource & Technology Application of Wood (SMARTA Wood)
Fixoteket - Neighbourhood mini-recycling and reuse centres
Next Generation Living Lab (NGLL)
Next generation building envelope systems (NextGBES)