Henrik Berglund
Henrik Berglund is Professor at Chalmers at the division of Entrepreneurship and Strategy.
For more information: http://henrikberglund.com

Showing 25 publications
Visions of Futures and Futures of Visions: Entrepreneurs, Artifacts, and Worlds
The artifacts of entrepreneurial practice
Opportunities as Artifacts and Entrepreneurship as Design
Beyond bridging rigor and relevance: The three-body problem in entrepreneurship
A New Perspective on the Innovators Dilemma Exploring the role of Entrepreneurial Incentives
A Tale of Two Kirzners: Time, Uncertainty and the ’Nature’ of Opportunities
Between Cognition and Discourse: Phenomenology and the Study of Entrepreneurship
Early stage Venture Capital investing: Comparing California and Scandinavia
CBIs studie om innovationsledning
Interviews with Pioneers in Entrepreneurship Research: William Gartner.
On the relevance of decision-making in entrepreneurial decision-making
Creativity in entrepreneurship education
Risk Conception and Risk Management in Corporate Innovation: Lessons from two Swedish Cases
Entrepreneurial Learning and the Role of Venture Capitalists
Social networking and the development of new ventures
Creativity Among Entrepreneurship Students: Comparing Engineering and Business Education
Researching Entrepreneurship as Lived Experience
Enacting Risk in Independent Technological Innovation
The Innovating Self: Exploring Self Among a Group of Technological Innovators
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Showing 5 research projects
Experimentellt entreprenörskap för praktik och policyutveckling
Intellectual property management in digitalizing businesses
Tekno-ekonomisk analys och Business Prototyping för forskargrupper