Niklas Hidman
Niklas is a Doctoral student at the multiphase flow group within the division of fluid dynamics. His research aims to investigate the complex flow and transport phenomena occurring in bubbly flows. To this end, fully resolved Direct Numerical Simulations is employed.
The new insights developed from these simulations will be used to improve existing CFD closure models in the context of Eulerian-Eulerian two fluids models, used by academics and industry, and allow for more efficient design and operation of particular industrial devices such as bubble column reactors.

Showing 13 publications
A comprehensive lift force model for deformable bubbles rising in moderate shear flows
How surface modifications enhance vertical falling film evaporation
The passive scalar spectrum of bubble-induced turbulence
Assessing passive scalar dynamics in bubble-induced turbulence using direct numerical simulations
The passive scalar spectrum in turbulent bubble suspensions
The shear-induced lift force on freely moving and deformable bubbles
A multiscale methodology for small-scale bubble dynamics in turbulence
The lift force on deformable and freely moving bubbles in linear shear flows
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