Christian Sandström

Showing 43 publications


Analysing uber in social media - Disruptive technology or institutional disruption?

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström
Digital Disruptive Innovation, p. 517-539
Book chapter

Social media analytics for knowledge acquisition of market and non-market perceptions in the sharing economy

Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christina oberg et al
Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol. 25 (2), p. 500-512
Journal article

Bureaucrats or Markets in Innovation Policy? – a critique of the entrepreneurial state

Nils Karlson, Christian Sandström, Karl Wennberg
Review of Austrian Economics. Vol. 34 (1), p. 81-95
Journal article

Digitalization and the future of Management Learning: New technology as an enabler of historical, practice-oriented, and critical perspectives in management research and learning

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström, K Eriksson et al
Management Learning. Vol. 51 (1), p. 89-108
Journal article

Assessing user perceptions of the interplay between the sharing, access, platform and community- based economies

Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christina Oberg et al
Information Technology and People. Vol. 33 (3), p. 1037-1051
Journal article

Digital Disruption beyond Uber and Airbnb – tracking the long tail of the sharing economy

Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 155
Journal article

Tracking the Digital Evolution of Entrepreneurial Finance: The Interplay Between Crowdfunding, Blockchain Technologies, Cryptocurrencies, and Initial Coin Offerings

Claire Ingram Bogusz, Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 67 (4), p. 1099-1108
Journal article

Assessing the interplay between crowdfunding and sustainability in social media

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström, Yuliani Suseno
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 141, p. 117-127
Journal article

Exploring barriers to adoption of Virtual Reality through Social Media Analytics and Machine Learning – An assessment of technology, network, price and trialability

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström, Adam Berthold et al
Journal of Business Research. Vol. 100, p. 469-474
Journal article

A revised perspective on innovation policy for renewal of mature economies – Historical evidence from finance and telecommunications in Sweden 1980–1990

Klas Eriksson, Mirko Ernkvist, Christofer Laurell et al
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 147, p. 152-162
Journal article

Tracking the institutional logics of the sharing economy

Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christina Öberg et al
Handbook of the Sharing Economy, p. 177-192
Book chapter

Vi måste utbilda framtidens ingenjörer på ett nytt sätt

Per-Olof Arnäs, Christian Sandström
Ny Teknik, p. 4-4
Newspaper article

How sustainable is the sharing economy? On the sustainability connotations of sharing economy platforms

Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christina Oberg et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 206, p. 419-429
Journal article

Digital entrepreneurship and field conditions for institutional change - Investigating the enabling role of cities

Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström et al
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 146, p. 877-886
Journal article

Public Policy for Academic Entrepreneurship: A Review and Critical Discussion

Christian Sandström, Karl Wennberg, Martin Wallin et al
Journal of Technology Transfer. Vol. 43 (5), p. 1232-1256
Journal article

Comparing coverage of disruptive change in social and traditional media - Evidence from the sharing economy

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 129, p. 339-344
Journal article

Collective action problems in public sector innovation: A business model perspective

Mattias Axelson, Joakim Netz, Christian Sandström
Creativity and Innovation Management. Vol. 26 (4), p. 370-378
Journal article

The sharing economy in social media - analyzing tensions between market and non-market logics

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 125, p. 58-65
Journal article

A New Perspective on the Innovators Dilemma Exploring the role of Entrepreneurial Incentives

Henrik Berglund, Christian Sandström
International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 75 (1-4), p. 142-156
Journal article

Analysing uber in social media - Disruptive technology or institutional disruption?

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 20 (5)
Journal article

The non-disruptive emergence of an Ecosystem for 3D Printing – Insights from the Hearing aid industry’s transition 1989-2008

Christian Sandström
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 102, p. 160-168
Journal article

Symmetric Assumptions in the Theory of Disruptive Innovation - Theoretical and Managerial Implications

Christian Sandström, Henrik Berglund, Mats Magnusson
Creativity and Innovation Management. Vol. 23 (4), p. 472-483
Journal article

Disruption and Social Media – Entrant Firms as Institutional Entrepreneurs

Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 18 (3), p. Art. no. 1440006-
Journal article

Book Review: Sedelpressen: Dagens Industri under 30 år

Christian Sandström
Historisk Tidskrift
Magazine article

Value creation and appropriation in social media - the case of fashion bloggers in Sweden

C. Pihl, Christian Sandström
International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 61 (3-4), p. 309-323
Journal article

Facit and the Displacement of Mechanical Calculators

Christian Sandström
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. Vol. 35 (3), p. 20-31
Journal article

Business Model Innovation from an Open Systems Perspective: Structural challenges and managerial solutions.

Henrik Berglund, Christian Sandström
International Journal of Product Development. Vol. 18 (3/4), p. 274-285
Journal article

Printing Manchine: Today's Industry for 30 years

Christian Sandström
Historisk Tidskrift. Vol. 133 (3), p. 548-550
Magazine article

High-end disruptive technologies with an inferior performance

Christian Sandström
International Journal of Technology Management. Vol. 56 (2-4), p. 109-122
Journal article

Curing the incumbent curse - Investing in discontinuous innovation

Magnus H.Å Johansson, Christian Sandström
Cinet Conference Aarhus
Paper in proceeding

CBIs studie om innovationsledning

Henrik Berglund, Joakim Björkdahl, Sofia Börjesson et al

Hasselblad and the shift to digital imaging

Christian Sandström
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing. Vol. 33 (3), p. 55-66
Journal article

Idea management systems for a changing innovation landscape

Christian Sandström, Jennie Björk
International Journal of Product Development. Vol. 11 (3/4), p. 310-324
Journal article

Value, Actors and Networks - A revised perspective on disruptive innovation

Christian Sandström, Mats Magnusson
presented at the DIME conference ‘Organizing for networked innovation’ in Milan, 14-16 April.
Other conference contribution

Managing business model renewal

Christian Sandström, Ralf-Geert Osborne
International Journal of Business and Systems Research. Vol. 5 (5), p. 461 - 474
Journal article

Disruptive innovation as a business model challenge

Mats Magnusson, Christian Sandström
IMIT working paper 2010:142. Submitted to Long Range Planning.
Magazine article

Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
McKelvey, M. and M. Holmén (2009). Learning to Compete European Universities: From Social Institutions to Knowledge Business
Book chapter

Exploring Factors Influencing Incumbents’ Response to Disruptive Innovation

Christian Sandström, Mats Magnusson, Jan Jörnmark
Creativity and Innovation Management. Vol. 18 (1), p. 8-15
Journal article

Elite European universities and the R&D subsidiaries of multinational enterprises

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Learning to Compete in European Universities: From Social Institution to Knowledge Business, p. 251-277
Book chapter

Investing in Localized Relationships with Universities: What are the Benefits for RD Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises?

A. Brostrom, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 16 (1), p. 59-78
Journal article

Elite European Universities and the R&D Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises

Anders Broström, Tomas McKelvey, Christian Sandström
Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Surviving disruptive innovation: does incumbent size and strategy matter?

Christian Sandström, Mats Magnusson, Jan Jörnmark
the 8th CINet conference, September 7-11, 2007, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

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