Jesper Nilsson
Showing 19 publications
Multiphoton characterization and live cell imaging using fluorescent adenine analogue 2CNqA
Interbase-FRET binding assay for pre-microRNAs
Stealth Fluorescence Labeling for Live Microscopy Imaging of mRNA Delivery
Development of functionalized SYBR green II related cyanine dyes for viral RNA detection
Getting DNA and RNA out of the dark with 2CNqA: a bright adenine analogue and interbase FRET donor
Interbase FRET in RNA: from A to Z
A photoswitchable supramolecular complex with release-and-report capabilities
8-Triazolylpurines: Towards Fluorescent Inhibitors of the MDM2/p53 Interaction
All-Photonic Control of Biorelevant Processes using Molecular Photoswitches and Caged Compounds
A Caged Ret Kinase Inhibitor and its Effect on Motoneuron Development in Zebrafish Embryos
Design, Synthesis and Inhibitory Activity of Photoswitchable RET Kinase Inhibitors.
DNA-Binding Properties of Amidine-Substituted Spiropyran Photoswitches
An All-Photonic Molecule-Based Parity Generator/Checker for Error Detection in Data Transmission
Light-induced cytotoxicity of a photochromic spiropyran
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