Johanna Eriksson

Artistic Senior Lecturer at Building Design

Johanna Eriksson research focus lies in production of knowledge and management of design-driven dialogue processes in front end activities of building and planning projects.
She is a part of the management of Centre for Health Care Architecture and works with research in collaboration with public and private actors interested in developing knowledge about health care facilities. Johanna also takes part in education on both bachelor and master level and in education for professionals.
Johanna shares her time between Chalmers and Sweco in Malmö

Image of Johanna Eriksson

Showing 10 publications


Rethinking Day Surgery Model of Care and Built Environment: A Design Dialogue Study

Johanna Eriksson, Hina Lad, Göran Lindahl
The Evolving Scholar | ARCH22
Paper in proceeding

Multimodal Interaction in Collaborative Design of a Healthcare Space: A Social Semiotic Approach

Christine Räisänen, Dilek Ulutas Duman, Mikael Viklund Tallgren et al
Studies in health technology and informatics. Vol. 319, p. 33-45
Journal article

How Virtual Reality is used when involving healthcare staff in the design process

Shahin Sateei, Johanna Eriksson, Mattias Roupé et al
Proceedings of the Conference CIB W78. Vol. 38, p. 419-428
Paper in proceeding

Public management in turbulent times: COVID‐19 as an ecosystem disruptor

Erik Eriksson, Christian Gadolin, Göran Lindahl et al
Australian Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 80 (4), p. 732-747
Journal article

Designdrivna dialoger för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad

Peter Fröst, Anna Gustavsson, Johanna Eriksson et al

Mer dialog med fler - verktyg för snabb planprocess

Johanna Eriksson, Ola Nylander

User involvement in Swedish residential building projects: a stakeholder perspective

Johanna Eriksson, Wiktoria Glad, Madelaine Johansson
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Vol. 30 (2), p. 313-329
Journal article

Architects and users in collaborative design

Johanna Eriksson
Licentiate thesis

Mapping a framework for co-design in healthcare buildings - an empirical study

Johanna Eriksson, Peter Fröst, Nina Ryd
Proceedings from ARCH12
Paper in proceeding

Attitudes and experiences of user involvement in early stages of residential building projects

Johanna Eriksson, Wiktoria Glad, Madelaine Johansson
Proceedings för ENHR 2012
Other conference contribution

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Showing 3 research projects


Konceptual program, primary health care facilities

Göran Lindahl Building Design
Jens Widmark Building Design
Sofia Park Building Design
Elin Rittmark Building Design
Johanna Eriksson Building Design
Centre for Healthcare Architecture (CVA)
National real estate council
PTS Forum
Swedish Health and Facilities Network


Strengthening Architecture and Built Environment Research - SABRE

Fredrik Nilsson Architectural theory and methods
Göran Lindahl Building Design
Anna Braide Building Design
Johanna Eriksson Building Design
Marie Strid Building Design
European Commission (EC)

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