Jesper Liske

Associate Professor at Energy and Material

Dr. Jesper Liske is Associate Professor at the division for Energy & Materials. His research focuses on corrosion issues in biomass and waste fired boilers. The aim is to increase the knowledge of the corrosion mechanisms and thereby mitigating the corrosion by either improving the corrosion resistance of the material or making the environment less corrosive by e.g. additives.

Jesper is a member of the scientific evaluation panel of Waste Refinery and responsible for HTC’s IT-platform Meltwater.

Image of Jesper Liske

Showing 60 publications


High-Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Superheater Materials at 600 °C: Insights from Laboratory and Field Exposures

Vicent Ssenteza, Dolores Olausson, Johan Eklund et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 39 (1), p. 819-827
Journal article

A time-resolved study of PbCl2-induced corrosion of low-alloyed steel in the presence of water vapour at 400 °C

Hampus Lindmark, Torbjörn Jonsson, Jesper Liske
Corrosion Science. Vol. 229
Journal article

The Impact of HCl on Alkali-Induced Corrosion of Stainless Steels/FeCrAl Alloy at 600 °C: The Story After Breakaway

Vicent Ssenteza, Torbjörn Jonsson, Johanna Nockert et al
High Temperature Corrosion of Materials. Vol. 101 (5), p. 1067-1076
Journal article

High-Temperature corrosion of P91/T91, 304L, Sanicro 28 and Inconel 625 exposed at 600 °C under continuous KCl deposition

Julien Phother Simon, Imran Hanif, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Fuel. Vol. 357
Journal article

High temperature corrosion resistance of FeCr(Ni, Al) alloys as bulk/overlay weld coatings in the presence of KCl at 600 °C

Vicent Ssenteza, Johan Eklund, Imran Hanif et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 213
Journal article

The influence of oxygen partial pressure on the base oxide of chromia forming steels: The story prior to breakaway oxidation

Mohammad Sattari, Hamed Hoseini Hooshyar, Jesper Liske et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 213
Journal article

A material degradation study of novel FeCrAl alloys, stainless steels and nickel base alloy in fluidized bed heat exchangers of a waste-fired CFB boiler

Hampus Lindmark, Julien Phother Simon, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson et al
Fuel. Vol. 338
Journal article

A Comparison of the Oxidation and Nitridation Properties of Selected Chromia- and Alumina-Forming Alloys at 800 degrees C

Tommy Sand, Jesper Liske, T. Helander et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 98 (1-2), p. 163-178
Journal article

Combined measurement techniques for fast detection of alkali release in fluidized bed combustion

Tomas Leffler, Fredrik Lind, Jesper Liske et al
CFB 2021 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology, p. 339-344
Paper in proceeding

The influence of a KCl-rich environment on the corrosion attack of 304 L: 3D FIB/SEM and TEM investigations

Julien Phother Simon, Imran Hanif, Jesper Liske et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 183
Journal article

Continuous KCl addition in high temperature exposures of 304 L – A way to mimic a boiler environment

Julien Phother Simon, Torbjörn Jonsson, Jesper Liske
Corrosion Science. Vol. 167
Journal article

Beyond breakaway corrosion – Influence of chromium, nickel and aluminum on corrosion of iron-based alloys at 600 °C

Amanda Persdotter, Johan Eklund, Jesper Liske et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 177
Journal article

Oxidation of Fe-2.25Cr-1Mo in presence of KCl(s) at 400 °C – Crack formation and its influence on oxidation kinetics

Amanda Persdotter, Mohammad Sattari, Erik Larsson et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 163
Journal article

The Influence of KCl and HCl on the High-Temperature Oxidation of a Fe-2.25Cr-1Mo Steel at 400 °C

Erik Larsson, Jesper Liske, Amanda Persdotter et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 93 (1-2), p. 29-52
Journal article

The Influence of Oxide-Scale Microstructure on KCl(s)-Induced Corrosion of Low-Alloyed Steel at 400 °C

Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Johan Eklund, Amanda Persdotter et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 91 (3-4), p. 291-310
Journal article

Oxidation Driven Permeation of Iron Oxide Scales by Chloride from Experiment Guided First-Principles Modeling

Valentina Cantatore, Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Jesper Liske et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 123 (42), p. 25957-25966
Journal article

High-Temperature Corrosion of HVAF-Sprayed Ni-Based Coatings for Boiler Applications

Johan Eklund, Julien Phother Simon, E. Sadeghi et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 91 (5-6), p. 729-747
Journal article

Field exposure of FeCrAl model alloys in a waste-fired boiler at 600°C: The influence of Cr and Si on the corrosion behaviour

Johan Eklund, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson, B. Jonsson et al
Materials and Corrosion. Vol. 70 (8), p. 1476-1485
Journal article

Correlation between field and laboratory exposures for boiler corrosion test – mechanistic study of chlorine induced corrosion.

Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Maria Dolores Paz, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on FBC, p. 318-325
Paper in proceeding

Effect of water vapor on the oxidation behavior of HVAF-sprayed NiCr and NiCrAlY coatings

Esmaeil Sadeghimeresht, Johan Eklund, Julien Phother Simon et al
Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion. Vol. 69 (10), p. 1431-1440
Journal article

The influence of silicon on the corrosion properties of FeCrAl model alloys in oxidizing environments at 600 °C

Johan Eklund, B. Jonsson, Amanda Persdotter et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 144, p. 266-276
Journal article

High-Temperature Oxidation of FeCr(Ni) Alloys: The Behaviour After Breakaway

Torbjörn Jonsson, H. Larsson, Sofia Karlsson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 87 (3-4), p. 333-341
Journal article

Investigating corrosion memory: The influence of previous boiler operation on current corrosion rate

Maria Dolores Paz, Dongmei Zhao, Sofia Karlsson et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 156, p. 348-356
Journal article

A Comparative Study of the Initial Corrosion of KCl and PbCl2 on a Low-Alloyed Steel

Erik Larsson, Hans Gruber, Kristina M Hellström et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 87 (5-6), p. 779-787
Journal article

Microstructural Study of the Influence of KCl and HCl on Preformed Corrosion Product Layers on Stainless Steel

Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Johan Eklund, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 87 (5-6), p. 801-811
Journal article

A Laboratory Study of the in Situ Sulfation of Alkali Chloride Rich Deposits: Corrosion Perspective

Sofia Karlsson, Erik Larsson, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (9), p. 7256-7267
Journal article

Oxidation After Breakdown of the Chromium-Rich Scale on Stainless Steels at High Temperature: Internal Oxidation

Torbjörn Jonsson, Sofia Karlsson, Hamed Hoseini Hooshyar et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 85 (5-6), p. 509-536
Journal article

The Effect of H-2 and H2O on the Oxidation of 304L-Stainless Steel at 600 A degrees C: General Behaviour (Part I)

Hamed Hoseini Hooshyar, Torbjörn Jonsson, J. Hall et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 85 (3-4), p. 321-342
Journal article

Initial corrosion attack of 304L and T22 in 2 MW biomass gasifier: a microstructural investigation

Hamed Hoseini Hooshyar, Jesper Liske, Lars-Gunnar Johansson et al
Materials at High Temperatures. Vol. 32 (1-2), p. 197-204
Journal article

The effect of startup procedure of probe exposures on deposit and corrosion formation in a waste fired CFB boiler.

Mercedes Andrea Olivas Ogaz, Maria Dolores Paz, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Other conference contribution

Sulfur recirculation for increased electricity production in Waste-to-Energy plants

S. Andersson, E. W. Blomqvist, L. Bafver et al
Waste Management. Vol. 34 (1), p. 67-78
Journal article

Mitigation of Fireside Corrosion of Stainless Steel in Power Plants: A Laboratory Study of the Influences of SO2 and KCl on Initial Stages of Corrosion

Sofia Karlsson, Torbjörn Jonsson, Josefin Hall et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (5), p. 3102-3109
Journal article

Two Strategies to Reduce Gaseous KCl and Chlorine in Deposits during Biomass Combustion - Injection of Ammonium Sulphate and Co-Combustion with Peat

Håkan Kassman, Jesper Pettersson, Britt-Marie Steenari et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 105, p. 170-180
Journal article

Study of Bed Material Agglomeration in A Horizontal Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Burning Rice Husk

Dongmei Zhao, Jesper Pettersson, Britt-Marie Steenari et al
Proceedings of the 21:st International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion
Paper in proceeding

The effect of SO2(g) on the initial stages of KCl induced high temperature corrosion of 304L at 600°C

Sofia Karlsson, Torbjörn Jonsson, Josefin Engkvist et al
8th International Symposium on High-Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials
Other conference contribution

Alkali Induced High Temperature Corrosion of Stainless Steel: The Influence of NaCl, KCl and CaCl2

Sofia Karlsson, Jesper Pettersson, Lars-Gunnar Johansson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 78 (1-2), p. 83-102
Journal article

The Effects of KCl, K2SO4 and K2CO3 on the High Temperature Corrosion of a 304-Type Austenitic Stainless Steel

Jesper Pettersson, Nicklas Folkeson, Lars-Gunnar Johansson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 76 (1-2), p. 93-109
Journal article

KCl-Induced High Temperature Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steel 304L – The Influence of SO2

Sofia Karlsson, Jesper Pettersson, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 696, p. 224-229
Journal article

Reducing High Temperature Corrosion when Burning Waste by Adding Digested Sewage Sludge

Sofia Karlsson, Lars-Erik Åmand, Jesper Pettersson
Swedish - Finnish Flame Days, January 26-27 2011 in Piteå, Sweden, The Swedish and Finnish National Committees of the International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF) and The Scandinavian - Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute (SNCI)
Other conference contribution

Ammonium Sulphate and Co-Combustion with Peat – Two Strategies to Reduce Gaseous KCl and Chlorine in Deposits during Biomass Combustion

Håkan Kassman, Jessica Malene Bohwalli, Jesper Pettersson et al
In Proceedings from: "Impacts of Fuel Quality on Power Production & Environment", Lapland, Finland, August 29th - September 3rd 2010
Other conference contribution

Sewage sludge as additive to reduce the initial fireside corrosion caused by combustion of shredder residues in a waste-fired BFB boiler.

Torbjörn Jonsson, Jesper Pettersson, Kent Davidsson et al
9th Liège Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering.
Paper in proceeding

KCl-Induced Corrosion of a 304-type Austenitic Stainless Steel in O-2 and in O-2 + H2O Environment: The Influence of Temperature

Jesper Pettersson, Jan-Erik Svensson, Lars-Gunnar Johansson
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 72 (3-4), p. 159-177
Journal article

The influence of KCl on the corrosion of an austenitic stainless steel (304L) in oxidizing humid conditions at 600 ºC: A microstructural study

Torbjörn Jonsson, Jan Froitzheim, Jesper Pettersson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 72 (3), p. 213-239
Journal article

Fireside corrosion of stainless and low alloyed steels in a waste-fired CFB boiler; The effect of adding sulphur to the fuel

Nicklas Folkeson, Jesper Pettersson, Carolina Pettersson et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 595-598, p. 289-297
Journal article

Alkali Induced Corrosion of 304-type Austenitic Stainless Steel at 600°C; Comparison between KCl, K2CO3 and K2SO4

Jesper Pettersson, Jan-Erik Svensson, Lars-Gunnar Johansson
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 595-598, p. 367-375
Journal article

Potassium, chlorine, and sulfur in ash, particles, deposits, and corrosion during wood combustion in a circulating fluidized-bed boiler

Kent Davidsson, Lars-Erik Åmand, Bo G Leckner et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 21 (1), p. 71-81
Journal article

Critical corrosion phenomena on superheaters in biomass and waste-fired boilers

Lars-Gunnar Johansson, Jan-Erik Svensson, Erik Skog et al
Journal of Iron and Steel Research International. Vol. 14, p. 35-39
Journal article

Ramprogram – Åtgärder för samtidig minimering av alkalirelaterade driftproblem, Etapp 2

S. Herstad-Svärd, M. Gyllenhammar, Kent Davidsson et al

Inverkan av svaveltillsatser på överhettarkorrosion, emissioner och askkvalitet i en bioeldad anläggning

Erik Skog, Oliver Lindqvist, Nicklas Folkeson et al
Rapport till STEM
Magazine article

KCl-Induced High Temperature Corrosion of the Austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys 304L and Sanicro 28 at 600 °C

Carolina Pettersson, Jesper Pettersson, Henrik Asteman et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 48 (6), p. 1368-1378
Journal article

The influence of sulphur additions on the corrosive environment in a waste-fired CFB boiler

Jesper Pettersson, Carolina Pettersson, Nicklas Folkeson et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 522-523, p. 563-570
Journal article

KCl induced corrosion of a 304-type austenitic stainless steel at 600 degrees C; The role of potassium

Jesper Pettersson, Henrik Asteman, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 64 (1-2), p. 23-41
Journal article

Microstructural investigation of the influence of KCl on the corrosion of 304L exposed to 5% O2 + N2

Torbjörn Jonsson, Jan Froitzheim, Jesper Pettersson et al
16th International Corrosion Congress, September 19-24 2005, Beijing, China, p. Paper 6-45
Paper in proceeding

The influence of sulphur additions on the corrosive environment in a waste-fired CFB boiler

Jesper Pettersson, Carolina Pettersson, Nicklas Folkeson et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 522-523, p. 563-570
Journal article

A pilot plant study of the effect of alkali salts on initial stages of the high temperature corrosion of alloy 304L

Jesper Pettersson, Carolina Pettersson, Henrik Asteman et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 461-464, p. 965-972
Journal article

Is KCl(g) corrosive at temperatures above its dew point? - Influence of KCl(g) on initial stages of the high temperature corrosion of 11% Cr steel at 600 degrees C

Karin Segerdahl, Jesper Pettersson, Jan-Erik Svensson et al
High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials 6, Prt 1 and 2, Proceedings. Vol. 461-464, p. 109-116
Journal article

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Showing 9 research projects


High temperature corrosion and ash research, part 2

Jan-Erik Svensson Energy and Material
Sedigheh Bigdeli Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Jesper Liske Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Torbjörn Jonsson Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1


Transformation of existing power plants – a paradigm shift towards higher plant efficiencies and full fuel flexibility

Pavleta Knutsson Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Jesper Liske Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Fredrik Lind Energy Technology
Fang Liu Materials and manufacture


High temperature corrosion and ash research

Jan-Erik Svensson Energy and Material
Jesper Liske Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Torbjörn Jonsson Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Sedigheh Bigdeli Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1


New materials and Oxygen Carrier Aided Combustion for improved competitiveness of FB plants using renewable fuels

Jesper Liske Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1
Swedish Energy Agency


New alumina forming steels for future energy production with focus on high efficiency CSP´s

Jesper Liske Environmental Inorganic Chemistry 1

There might be more projects where Jesper Liske participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.