Katie A Aylward

Showing 10 publications


Operationalizing COLREGs in SMART ship navigation

Reto Weber, Katie A Aylward, Scott Mackinnon et al
Report - Lighthouse - Swedish Maritime Competence Centre

Navigators’ views of a collision avoidance decision support system for maritime navigation

Katie A Aylward, Reto Weber, Monica Lundh et al
Journal of Navigation. Vol. 75 (5), p. 1035-1048
Journal article

Development of an augmented reality concept for icebreaker assistance and convoy operations

Synne Frydenberg, Katie A Aylward, Kjetil Nordby et al
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol. 9 (9)
Journal article

Using operational scenarios in a virtual reality enhanced design process

Katie A Aylward, Joakim Dahlman, Kjetil Nordby et al
Education Sciences. Vol. 11 (8)
Journal article

Preventing Unruly Technologies in Maritime Navigation: A Systems Approach

Katie A Aylward, Scott Mackinnon, Monica Lundh
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Vol. 1212 AISC, p. 421-428
Paper in proceeding

"Are You Planning to Follow Your Route?" The Effect of Route Exchange on Decision Making, Trust, and Safety

Katie A Aylward, Reto Weber, Yemao Man et al
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. Vol. 8 (4)
Journal article

An evaluation of low-level automation navigation functions upon vessel traffic services work practices

Katie A Aylward, Anders Johannesson, Reto Weber et al
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs. Vol. 19 (3), p. 313-335
Journal article

The human factor in the digital age

Monica Lundh, Katie A Aylward, Yemao Man et al
RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - Human Factors 2018, Papers
Paper in proceeding

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