Karin Norling

Showing 8 publications


Versailles project on advanced materials and standards (VAMAS) interlaboratory study on measuring the number concentration of colloidal gold nanoparticles

Caterina Minelli, Magdalena Wywijas, Dorota Bartczak et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 14, p. 4690-4704
Journal article

A vaccine combination of lipid nanoparticles and a cholera toxin adjuvant derivative greatly improves lung protection against influenza virus infection

V. Bernasconi, Karin Norling, Inta Gribonika et al
Mucosal Immunology. Vol. 14 (2), p. 523-536
Journal article

Effective Refractive Index and Lipid Content of Extracellular Vesicles Revealed Using Optical Waveguide Scattering and Fluorescence Microscopy

Deborah Rupert, Mokhtar Mapar, Ganesh V Shelke et al
Langmuir. Vol. 34 (29), p. 8522-8531
Journal article

Mucosal Vaccine Development Based on Liposome Technology

V. Bernasconi, Karin Norling, Marta Bally et al
Journal of Immunology Research. Vol. 2016
Review article

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