Sara Dahlin

Showing 7 publications


Exploring the usefulness of Lexis diagrams for quality improvement

Sara Dahlin
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Vol. 20 (1)
Journal article

Relationship between patient costs and patient pathways

Sara Dahlin, Hendry Raharjo
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. Vol. 32 (1), p. 246-261
Journal article

Process Mining for Quality Improvement: Propositions for Practice and Research

Sara Dahlin, Henrik Eriksson, Hendry Raharjo
Quality Management in Health Care. Vol. 28 (1), p. 8-14
Journal article

Quality improvement and care procurement: Friends of foes?

Sara Dahlin, Henrik Eriksson, Carolina Camén
Conference presentation, Servsig, 20160618, Maastricht, Holland
Other conference contribution

Investigating lead time, cost and patient pathways of breast cancer care: a comparative study of four hospitals in Sweden

Sara Dahlin, Hendry Raharjo, Per Sjöli et al
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, April 2016
Conference poster

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Showing 1 research projects


Quality and procurement of elderly care

Sara Dahlin Service Management and Logistics
Henrik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics
Swedish institute for quality (SIQ)

1 publication exists
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