Kiryl Kustanovich
Showing 12 publications
Generation of interconnected vesicles in a liposomal cell model
Supported Model Membranes for Biosensing Applications - Optical Oxytocin Binding Assay
Styrene maleic acid copolymer induces pores in biomembranes
A high-performance lab-on-a-chip liquid sensor employing surface acoustic wave resonance: part II
Molecular Lipid Films on Microengineering Materials
A microfluidics-integrated impedance/surface acoustic resonance tandem sensor
A Four Parameter Microfluidic Tandem SAW-IS Bio-Sensor
SU-8 free-standing microfluidic probes
A high-performance lab-on-a-chip liquid sensor employing surface acoustic wave resonance
Design and characterization of surface acoustic wave resonance (SAR) system for in-liquid sensing
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