Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi

Showing 10 publications


Efficiency effects of information on operational disruption management in port hinterland freight transport: simulation of a Swedish dry port case

Per Wide, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Violeta Roso
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. Vol. 26 (5), p. 524-547
Journal article

Enabling Factors and Durations Data Analytics for Dynamic Freight Parking Limits

Juan Pablo Castrellon, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi
Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2677 (2), p. 219-234
Journal article

Using Machine Learning to Predict Freight Vehicles' Demand for Loading Zones in Urban Environments

Andres Regal Ludowieg, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi
Transportation Research Record. Vol. 2677 (1), p. 829-842
Journal article

Assessing the eco-efficiency benefits of empty container repositioning strategies via dry ports

Juan Pablo Castrellon, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Violeta Roso et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 120
Journal article

Joint modeling of arrivals and parking durations for freight loading zones: Potential applications to improving urban logistics

Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz, Juan Pablo Castrellon et al
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Vol. 166, p. 307-329
Journal article

A freight origin-destination synthesis model with mode choice

Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, José Holguín-Veras, Wilfredo Yushimito
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Vol. 157
Journal article

Energy-efficient retrofit measures (EERM) in residential buildings: An application of discrete choice modelling

Clara Camarasa, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz et al
Buildings. Vol. 11 (6)
Journal article

Drivers and barriers to energy-efficient technologies (EETs) in EU residential buildings

Clara Camarasa, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Leonardo Rosado
Energy and Built Environment. Vol. 2 (3), p. 290-301
Journal article

Freight mode choice: Results from a nationwide qualitative and quantitative research effort

José Holguín-Veras, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Shama Campbell et al
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Vol. 143, p. 78-120
Journal article

Service trip attraction in commercial establishments

Jose Holguin-Veras, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Diana G. Ramirez-Rios
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Vol. 149
Journal article

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Showing 4 research projects


Synergies in Autonomous Transportation (SAT)

Lars-Ola Bligård Design & Human Factors
Ivan Sanchez-Diaz Service Management and Logistics
Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi Service Management and Logistics
Fredrick Ekman Design & Human Factors


Empty container positioning

Violeta Roso Service Management and Logistics
Ceren Altuntas Vural Service Management and Logistics
Ivan Sanchez-Diaz Service Management and Logistics
Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi Service Management and Logistics
Juan Pablo Castrellon Service Management and Logistics
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists

Using data analytics for smart loading zones management in cities

Ivan Sanchez-Diaz Service Management and Logistics
Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi Service Management and Logistics
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Balázs Adam Kulcsár Automatic Control

3 publications exist

Gothenburg Urban Freight Platform

Ivan Sanchez-Diaz Service Management and Logistics
Dan Andersson Service Management and Logistics
Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi Service Management and Logistics
Michael Browne Unknown organization

29 publications exist
There might be more projects where Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.