Lars Johannesson
Showing 53 publications
Vehicle Lateral Motion Control with Performance and Safety Guarantees
Convex relaxations in the optimal control of electrified vehicles
Optimal Dimensioning and Power Management of a Fuel Cell/Battery Hybrid Bus via Convex Programming
Combined platooning and energy management with high integrity
Electro-thermal Control of Modular Battery using Model Predictive Control with Control Projections
ADMM applied to energy management of ancillary systems in trucks
Combined design and control optimization of hybrid vehicles
Look-ahead vehicle energy management with traffic predictions
Analytic Solutions to the Dynamic Programming sub-problem in Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management
Predictive energy management of hybrid long-haul trucks
Automated engine calibration of hybrid electric vehicles
Commuter Route Optimized Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Assessing the potential of prediction in energy management for ancillaries in heavy-duty trucks
Convex optimization for auxiliary energy management in conventional vehicles
Simultaneous Thermal and State-of-Charge Balancing of Batteries: A Review
Cubic Spline Approximations of the Dynamic Programming Cost-to-go in HEV Energy Management Problems
Optimal battery dimensioning and control of a CVT PHEV powertrain
Engine on/off control for dimensioning hybrid electric powertrains via convex optimization
Including a Battery State of Health model in the HEV component sizing and optimal control problem
Comparing Two Approaches to Precompute Discharge Strategies for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Filtering driving cycles for assessment of electrified vehicles
On Thermal and State-of-Charge Balancing using Cascaded Multi-level Converters
PHEV Energy Management: A Comparison of Two Levels of Trip Information
Component sizing of a plug-in hybrid electric powertrain via convex optimization
Convex modeling of energy buffers in power control applications
Benefit of Route Recognition in Energy Management of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Dimensioning and Control of a Thermally Constrained Double Buffer Plug-in HEV Powertrain
Performance Evaluation of Multilevel Converter based Cell Balancer with Reciprocating Air Flow
Impact of Trip Length Uncertainty on Optimal Discharging Strategies for PHEVs
Predictive energy management of a 4QT series-parallel hybrid electric bus
Predictive Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles on Prescribed Routes
Approximate Dynamic Programming Applied to Parallel Hybrid Powertrains
Improving System Design of a Hybrid Powertrain Using Stochastic Drive Cycles and Dynamic Programming
A Novel Algorithm for Predictive Control of Parallel Hybrid Powertrains based on Dynamic Programming
A comparison of stochastic optimal control laws for a parallel hybrid vehicle
On Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Development of a Time invariant Stochastic Model of a Transport Mission
Optimal Kinematic Design of Gantry Parallel Robot
Gantry Tau A New Parallel Kinematic Robot
Gantry-Tau A New Three Degrees of Freedom Parallel Kinematic Robot
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