Peter Linner

Showing 41 publications
Metallic 3-D Printed Antennas for Millimeter- and Submillimeter Wave Applications
Attempt of the Metallic 3D Printing Technology for Millimeter-Wave Antenna Implementations
Development of a Time Domain Microwave System for Medical Diagnostics
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Time Domain Microwave Imaging System
An ultrawideband microwave medical diagnostic system: Design considerations and system performance
Accuracy Evaluation of Ultrawideband Time Domain Systems for Microwave Imaging
Accuracy investigation of an ultra-wideband time domain microwave imaging system
Progress in clinical diagnostics and treatment with electromagnetic fields
A new CMOS radio for low power RFID applications
Comparison between a time domain and a frequency domain system for microwave tomography
Clinical Diagnostics and Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields
Niobium Tunable Microwave Filter
Accuracy evaluation of time domain measurement systems for microwave tomography
Time domain system for microwave tomography
Miniaturized superconducting microwave filters
Tunable Impedance Matching Network
Superconducting Tunable Microwave Impedance Matching Network
Miniaturization of superconducting passive filters for on-chip applications
Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line Phase Shifter Using Ferroelectric Varactors
Ultrawide-band tunable true-time delay lines using ferroelectric varactors
Design of broadband lumped element baluns
Design of broad-band lumped-element baluns with inherent impedance transformation
Statistical Estimation of small signal FET model parameters and their covariance
Ferroelectrically tuneable delay lines
Resistively and capacitively loaded unbalanced loop antennas
Optimal parameter extraction and uncertainty estimation in intrinsic FET small-signal models
Uncertainty estimation and optimal extraction of intrinsic FET small-signal model parameters
DC field induced antiferroelectric phase transition in bulk, single crystal strontium titanate
Analytic approximation for open-end capacitance in symmetric coplanar-strip waveguides
Mode chart of electrically thin parallel-plate circular resonators
Arrangement and method relating to filtering of signals
CAD models for multilayered substrate interdigital capacitors
Lower order modes of YBCO/STO/YBCO circular disk resonators
CAD Model of a Gap in a Coplanar Waveguide
Effects of package width on K-band high-temperature superconducting filters
CAD Models for Shielded Multilayered CPW
Analytical models for shielded multilayered CPW
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