Sune Levin

Showing 11 publications


Force-induced melting and S-DNA pathways for DNA overstretching exhibit distinct kinetics

Vinoth Sundar Rajan, Sune Levin, Micah J. Mccauley et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 53 (1)
Journal article

Thermodynamics and kinetics of the B-S transition in the wild-type and base-modified DNA

Ioulia Rouzina, Vinoth Sundar Rajan, Sune Levin et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 123 (3), p. 498A-499A
Other conference contribution

Short talk Studying the stability and conformational dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 SL4 RNA hairpin combining base analogues and optical tweezers

Vinoth Sundar Rajan, Anna Wiktoria Wypijewska Del Nogal, Sune Levin et al
European Biophysics Journal. Vol. 52 (Suppl 1), p. S42-S42
Other text in scientific journal

Exploring the conformational dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 SL4 hairpin by combining optical tweezers and base analogues

Vinoth Sundar Rajan, Anna Wiktoria Wypijewska Del Nogal, Sune Levin et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 16 (2), p. 752-764
Journal article

Label-Free Imaging of Catalytic H2O2 Decomposition on Single Colloidal Pt Nanoparticles Using Nanofluidic Scattering Microscopy

Björn Altenburger, Carl Andersson, Sune Levin et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 17 (21), p. 21030-21043
Journal article

Thermodynamics and kinetics of the B-S transition in base-modified DNA

Vinoth Sundar Rajan, Sune Levin, M. J. McCauley et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 122 (3S1)
Journal article

Nanofluidic Trapping of Faceted Colloidal Nanocrystals for Parallel Single-Particle Catalysis

Sune Levin, Sarah Lerch, Astrid Boje et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 16 (9), p. 15206-15214
Journal article

A Nanofluidic Device for Multiplexed Analysis of Single Exosomes

Quentin Lubart, Sune Levin, Stephan Block et al
Other conference contribution

High throughput size-determination and multiplexed fluorescence analysis of single biological particles in a nanofluidic device

Quentin Lubart, Sune Levin, Stephan Block et al
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019, p. 1420-1421
Paper in proceeding

A nanofluidic device for parallel single nanoparticle catalysis in solution

Sune Levin, Joachim Fritzsche, Sara Nilsson et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

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