Luca Torello Pianale

Showing 12 publications


Robustness quantification of a mutant library screen revealed key genetic markers in yeast

Cecilia Trivellin, Luca Torello Pianale, Lisbeth Olsson
Microbial Cell Factories. Vol. 23 (1)
Journal article

Quantifying microbial robustness in dynamic environments using microfluidic single-cell cultivation

Luisa Blöbaum, Luca Torello Pianale, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Microbial Cell Factories. Vol. 23 (1), p. 44-
Journal article

Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for targeted hydrolysis and fermentation of glucuronoxylan through CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing

Jonas Laukkonen Ravn, João Heitor Colombelli Manfrão Netto, Jana B. Schaubeder et al
Microbial Cell Factories. Vol. 23 (85)
Journal article

Microbial robustness in bioprocesses

Lisbeth Olsson, Luca Torello Pianale, Cecilia Trivellin et al
Conference poster

Four ways of implementing robustness quantification in strain characterisation

Luca Torello Pianale, Fabio Caputo, Lisbeth Olsson
Biotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts. Vol. 16 (1)
Journal article

ScEnSor Kit for Saccharomyces cerevisiae Engineering and Biosensor-Driven Investigation of the Intracellular Environment

Luca Torello Pianale, Lisbeth Olsson
ACS Synthetic Biology. Vol. 12 (8), p. 2493-2497
Journal article

Real-Time Monitoring of the Yeast Intracellular State During Bioprocesses With a Toolbox of Biosensors

Luca Torello Pianale, Peter Rugbjerg, Lisbeth Olsson
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 12
Journal article

Robustness: linking strain design to viable bioprocesses

Lisbeth Olsson, Peter Rugbjerg, Luca Torello Pianale et al
Trends in Biotechnology. Vol. 40 (8), p. 918-931
Review article

Microbial robustness 101: tools and applications

Luca Torello Pianale, Cecilia Trivellin, Peter Rugbjerg et al
Conference poster

Exploring Microbial Robustness for a Sustainable and Efficient Bioproduction

Luca Torello Pianale, Cecilia Trivellin, Peter Rugbjerg et al
Conference poster

Fine-tuning the stress response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using CRISPR interference technology

Luca Torello Pianale, Vaskar Mukherjee, Elena Cámara et al
Conference poster

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Showing 1 research projects


Microbial robustness - a key for sustainable and efficient biotechnology-based production

Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Luca Torello Pianale Industrial Biotechnology
Cecilia Trivellin Industrial Biotechnology
Nathália Vilela Industrial Biotechnology
Peter Rugbjerg Industrial Biotechnology
Novo Nordisk Foundation

5 publications exist
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