Lars Lundberg

Showing 15 publications


Phase-coherent lightwave communications with frequency combs

Lars Lundberg, Mikael Mazur, Ali Mirani et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 11 (1)
Journal article

Bayesian filtering framework for noise characterization of frequency combs

Giovanni Brajato, Lars Lundberg, Victor Torres Company et al
Optics Express. Vol. 28 (9), p. 13949-13964
Journal article

Master-slave carrier recovery for M-QAM multicore fiber transmission

Lars Lundberg, Benjamin J. Puttnam, Ruben S. Luís et al
Optics Express. Vol. 27 (16), p. 22226-22236
Journal article

Laser Frequency Combs for Coherent Optical Communications

Victor Torres Company, Jochen Schröder, Attila Fülöp et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 37 (7), p. 1663-1670
Journal article

Optical frequency comb noise characterization using machine learning

Giovanni Brajato, Lars Lundberg, Victor Torres Company et al
IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2019 (CP765)
Paper in proceeding

Frequency Comb-Based WDM Transmission Systems Enabling Joint Signal Processing

Lars Lundberg, Magnus Karlsson, Abel Lorences Riesgo et al
Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Vol. 8 (5)
Journal article

Power Consumption Savings Through Joint Carrier Recovery for Spectral and Spatial Superchannels

Lars Lundberg, Erik Börjeson, Christoffer Fougstedt et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2018-September
Paper in proceeding

Phase Correlation Between Lines of Electro-Optical Frequency Combs

Lars Lundberg, Mikael Mazur, Attila Fülöp et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F92-CLEO_AT 2018
Paper in proceeding

Joint Carrier Recovery for DSP Complexity Reduction in Frequency Comb-Based Superchannel Transceivers

Lars Lundberg, Mikael Mazur, Abel Lorences Riesgo et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2017-September
Paper in proceeding

Power Consumption Analysis of Hybrid EDFA/Raman Amplifiers in Long-Haul Transmission Systems

Lars Lundberg, Peter Andrekson, Magnus Karlsson
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 35 (11), p. 2132-2142
Journal article

Power Consumption of a Minimal-DSP Coherent Link with a Polarization Multiplexed Pilot-Tone

Lars Lundberg, Christoffer Fougstedt, Per Larsson-Edefors et al
42nd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communications, September 18-22, 2016, Düsseldorf
Paper in proceeding

Power Consumption of Hybrid EDFA/Raman Amplified Systems

Lars Lundberg, Pontus Johannisson, Erik Agrell et al
41st European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2015, Valencia, Spain, 27 September 2015 - 1 October 2015. Vol. 2015-November
Paper in proceeding

In-Band OSNR Monitoring of PM-QPSK Using the Stokes Parameters

Lars Lundberg, Henrik Sunnerud, Pontus Johannisson
2015 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2015, Los Angeles, United States, 22-26 March 2015, p. 7122095-
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Energy-efficient optical fibre communication

Christoffer Fougstedt Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Kevin Cushon Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Anders Larsson Photonics
Magnus Karlsson Photonics
Per Larsson-Edefors Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Peter Andrekson Photonics
Lars Lundberg Photonics
Alexandre Graell i Amat Communication Systems
Erik Agrell Communication Systems
Alireza Sheikh Communication Systems
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

27 publications exist
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