Michele Maglio

Showing 18 publications


On wayside detector measurement of wheel–rail impact loads induced by wheel flats – Data analysis, alarm levels and regulations

Klara Mattsson, Jens Nielsen, Lars Fehrlund et al
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance
Paper in proceeding

Relating the influence of track properties to axle load spectra through onboard measurements

Michele Maglio, Elena Kabo, Anders Ekberg
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. Vol. 238 (1), p. 3-13
Journal article

Towards improved regulations and procedures for damaged wheels - Assessment of wheel impact load detectors

Jens Nielsen, Lars Fehrlund, Michele Maglio et al
Report - Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Transient wheel-rail rolling contact theories

Luigi Romano, Michele Maglio, Stefano Bruni
Tribology International. Vol. 186
Journal article

Orbital friction welding of steel bars – heat generation and process modelling

Jim Brouzoulis, Lennart Josefson, Koen Faes et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications. Vol. 237 (8), p. 1715-1724
Journal article

Influence of railway wheel tread damage on wheel–rail impact loads and the durability of wheelsets

Michele Maglio, Tore V Vernersson, Jens Nielsen et al
Railway Engineering Science. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Influence of wheel and rail deterioration on wheelset fatigue life

Michele Maglio, Elena Kabo, Anders Ekberg
Other conference contribution

Prediction of axle fatigue life based on field measurements

Michele Maglio, Elena Kabo, Anders Ekberg et al
Other conference contribution

Railway wheel tread damage and axle bending stress – Instrumented wheelset measurements and numerical simulations

Michele Maglio, Tore V Vernersson, Jens Nielsen et al
International Journal of Rail Transportation. Vol. 10 (3), p. 275-297
Journal article

Rail Acceleration Induced by Train Pass-by—Field Measurements and Validation of a Simulation Model

Peter Torstensson, Emil Aggestam, Michele Maglio et al
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, p. 302-311
Paper in proceeding

Railway wheelset fatigue life estimation based on field tests

Michele Maglio, Elena Kabo, Anders Ekberg
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures. Vol. 45 (9)
Journal article

Wheel–rail impact loads and axle bending stress simulated for generic distributions and shapes of discrete wheel tread damage

Michele Maglio, Astrid Pieringer, Jens Nielsen et al
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 502
Journal article

Digitalisation of condition monitoring data as input for fatigue evaluation of wheelsets

Michele Maglio, Matthias Asplund, Jens Nielsen et al
Proceedings of the XIX International Wheelset Congress
Paper in proceeding

Rolling contact fatigue assessment of repair rail welds

Elena Kabo, Anders Ekberg, Michele Maglio
Wear. Vol. 436-437
Journal article

Thermo-mechanical analyses of discrete defect repair process for rails

Michele Maglio, Elena Kabo
Other conference contribution

Rolling contact fatigue assessment of repair rail welds

Elena Kabo, Anders Ekberg, Michele Maglio
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/wheel Systems (CM2018), p. 450-456
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 3 research projects


Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)

Anders Ekberg Dynamics
Elena Kabo Dynamics
Jens Nielsen Dynamics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Johan Ahlström Engineering Materials
Astrid Pieringer Applied Acoustics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Jannik Theyssen Applied Acoustics
Michele Maglio Dynamics
Daniel Gren Engineering Materials
Erika Steyn Engineering Materials
Björn Pålsson Dynamics
Caroline Ansin Material and Computational Mechanics
Björn Andersson Material and Computational Mechanics
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad Material and Computational Mechanics
Nasrin Talebi Material and Computational Mechanics
Henrik Vilhelmson Dynamics
Tore V Vernersson Dynamics
Eric Landström Voortman Dynamics
Kourosh Nasrollahi Dynamics
Swedish Transport Administration
European Commission (EC)

28 publications exist

Research into enhanced track and switch and crossing system 2 (In2Track-2)

Elena Kabo Dynamics
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Dimosthenis Floros Material and Computational Mechanics
Astrid Pieringer Applied Acoustics
Casey Jessop Engineering Materials
Wolfgang Kropp Applied Acoustics
Johan Ahlström Engineering Materials
Xin Li Dynamics
Magnus Ekh Material and Computational Mechanics
Michele Maglio Dynamics
Daniel Gren Engineering Materials
Björn Pålsson Dynamics
Roger Lundén Dynamics
Marko Milosevic Dynamics
Lennart Josefson Material and Computational Mechanics
Emil Aggestam Dynamics
Anders Ekberg Dynamics
Jens Nielsen Dynamics
Tore V Vernersson Dynamics
Rostyslav Skrypnyk Dynamics
Erika Steyn Engineering Materials
Christer Persson Engineering Materials
Björn Andersson Material and Computational Mechanics
Knut Andreas Meyer Material and Computational Mechanics
Mohammad Salahi Nezhad Material and Computational Mechanics
Jannik Theyssen Applied Acoustics
Swedish Transport Administration
European Commission (EC)

50 publications exist

Wheel tread damage – identification and effects (CHARMEC TS20)

Elena Kabo Dynamics
Michele Maglio Dynamics
Jens Nielsen Dynamics
Tore V Vernersson Dynamics
Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC)

1 publication exists
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